It was the first one that got me....felt propper shite. Don't fancy that again, so might give the booster a miss tbh.
On the booster Phiezer seems to have been worst. Only based on what I hear.
It was the first one that got me....felt propper shite. Don't fancy that again, so might give the booster a miss tbh.
On the booster Phiezer seems to have been worst. Only based on what I hear.
The booster is Pfizer for everybody regardless of which one you had before.
I felt lousy the next day but it only lasted 24 hours. The first two were ok.
Just tried to book mine and keep getting 'this time is no longer available' no matter which day / time I picked.
Everyone I know who had the booster has felt shytte
I'm trying to get my 2nd jab in Eastbourne but cant get one at all, nearest availability is Ore. Having spoken to the service this week they think it's likely due to the high level of boosters being given out, so keep trying was the advice
Incidentally my first 2 jabs were AZ and the booster is Pfizer.
Where did you have yours done, out of interest? My first 2 were AZ, I would prefer the Pfizer one for the booster which seems likely though not guaranteed.
How very dare you, only 58 next month
And you retired ages ago …. lucky so and so.
3 years this January
I had the same on the first date/time I tried ... which I tried a few times. Fortunately when I tried the next day it worked!
Are your overseas holidays back on track now?