On Brighton seafront we get two traffic warden visits a day,
Into the sea with them!What kind of plonker parks and keeps their car idling? Never mind a fine, requisition of their licence seems reasonable.
I should say I have an NCP season ticket but park my van outside the shop when unloading. Wardens come round about 11:30 and 3:30. They give us the usual 20 minute warning then walk away. Buddies was the classic. 6 cars outside that used to go round the block whenever TW arrived. Plan it right and you could eat in Buddies and do a runner when all staff left to move their cars.Two traffic warden visits a day, you say? What times do they come round, out of interest?![]()
Yes indeed, well stopping and starting (with lots of accelerating and braking) is the worst.I think it's @Notters who, in the past, has posted really interesting things on air quality (his profession I believe)
I believe the general jist is that if you slow all the traffic down and cause queues of cars, then air quality inevitably gets worse.
cant believe you made me read all of that - for that!..........my anger and interest was piqued - I was in full anti-establishment mode and for what?? the worst pun in the world.Speaking of unsympathetic traffic policing many years ago I had a car without a working fuel guage so inevitably my total guesswork on refuelling caught up with me and I had to walk in the freezing cold early morning to fill up the jerry can. The nozzle I filled up from was a bit sticky in the icy conditions and petrol sprayed up out as I filled it up.
Unfortunately I had somewhat forgotten this during the walk back to the motor. Quickly starting the engine and setting off I spotted a forgotten roll up on the dashboard and being an addict who'd just finished a chore it's siren call led me to flip it straight into my mouth and spark up.
You see where this is going, and it did. The sleeve of my jumper was still well impregnated with petrol from earlier and went up with the classic whoomph the flames scorching the fabric lining of the roof. Screaming I pulled straight up onto the verge leapt out the car and helplessly spun around batting at the flaming arm with my other hand. Just pull your jumper off you might scorch your head but your arm will stop sizzling - came the message from a calm part of my brain. I stopped whirling and then - salvation - even better I saw a large muddy puddle on the other side of the road. I sprinted and leapt landing with my outstretched arm into the puddle and rolled around in it.
The immediate danger over I lay on my back with my arm still in the cool water and gazed up at the sky. Instead I saw the beaming face of a police sergeant looking down at me.
"You alright son?"
"I think I will be"
"We'll get you checked out soon enough. Right now I am arresting you..."
Well at this point I somewhat lost it but the polite translation of what I said would be "goodness me dear chap, I fear you must be acting in error, I am a little miffed at your lack of earlier assistance when you would have seen my distress, what action have I performed that is even unreasonable yet alone unlawful?
"I am arresting you for possession of a fire-arm"