The query was in my mind, I could only see the 3 but evidently there are 6.
View attachment 130107
(Sauce : AP)
(Associated Press that is, not Alan Partridge)

The query was in my mind, I could only see the 3 but evidently there are 6.
View attachment 130107
(Sauce : AP)
(Associated Press that is, not Alan Partridge)
Except ... for blacks, hispanics (outside of Florida), war veterans, gays, women who want an abortion and the 30m poor soles with no health insurance .... elderly Biden is the best option by a country mile.
Could you clarify the definition you're using for the word 'win' in the Pole (sic) question "Who's going to win?" please?
Asking for a friend.
I saw clips of it and I was confused as to a) why Neil was on BBC, seeing as (I thought) he'd cut his ties with them and planned to set up a rival to News 24 (or whatever it's called) and b) why on EARTH outlets give Farage a platform? For ratings? Because he's got some sort of dirt on them? I honestly don't know why they encourage his ambition to stay relevant. If there's a bandwagon (we've moved on from Brexit so now he's all over the anti-lockdown market), he's jumping on it.
What is a "liberal" please? I'm also not left wing, I'm a centrist.Again, typical liberal/left-wing response. Throwing around insults based on knowing the grand total of zilch.
You keep living in your land of make believe with your delusional thoughts if that keeps you happy.
Anyway, to ‘keep up’ with you, I’d have to slow down a lot, but I’ll make allowances as you’re probably tired from your excitement today.
Say what you want about Biden but the fact his running mate is a black female is nothing but good news.
Penn state Governor Tom Wolf (D], live now, calmly making it crystal clear that every vote counts and will be counted, they will resist any outside attempt to influence proceedings.
Sorry Donald.
Time will tell whether that is true.
Anyone else seen any tweets questioning a sudden jump in Bidens votes by 138,399. There’s some tweets which are showing 2 screen grabs from the NY Times Website, and the Biden count jumps by this amount, but not one other candidate had a single vote added.
I can see that being questioned (albeit there may be a very valid reason why but it does sound suspicious).
One example tweet.
Trump’s tweets getting a bit more panicky now. Once out of office, he’s going to have to provide that DNA sample...
Well we do know, we’ve seen it that Trump mocked has the disabled, war veterans. Refused to condemn racist murderers and/or used whataboutery. Doesn’t believe in Obamacare ..... his voters say in interviews because the 40m people are layabouts, you get what you earn in life.
Say what you want about Biden but the fact his running mate is a black female is nothing but good news.
That **** Pence is stuck in the 1850s.
What is a "liberal" please? I'm also not left wing, I'm a centrist.
You're dangerously close to being made a total fool of so tread carefully......
Well, I think I’m a centrist, so what does that prove?
Again, you demonstrate signs of delusion and inferiority. You constantly need to throw insults as a way of making out that you are right. I pointed out something which I’d seen, and it triggered the typical left-wing/liberal response. I thought it was a reasonable question being asked.
If this had happened to the republican vote and not democrat, you would be throwing your usual hissy fit. But when it’s the other way, you get all precious and assume that ‘your team’ can’t do wrong.
Personally, I think Trump is a **** with serious character failings, but I think the vote needs to be seen to be clean and fair.
Well, I think I’m a centrist, so what does that prove?
Again, you demonstrate signs of delusion and inferiority. You constantly need to throw insults as a way of making out that you are right. I pointed out something which I’d seen, and it triggered the typical left-wing/liberal response. I thought it was a reasonable question being asked.
If this had happened to the republican vote and not democrat, you would be throwing your usual hissy fit. But when it’s the other way, you get all precious and assume that ‘your team’ can’t do wrong.
Personally, I think Trump is a **** with serious character failings, but I think the vote needs to be seen to be clean and fair.