Personally how I see it, we're reaching the end of time as we know it. We'll be entering a new era where Human will have to learn to create some sort of utopia in order to maintain a civil society. For this to happen we'll have to experience collapses in Governments and Banks, a divide in the classes, a failure in education, crippling mental health and realisation of how the world has been unfairly controlled. I seriously believe the riots in London were indications of whats to come more than whats happening now. But if you read Nostradamus 2012 prediction, he's got it down as 'the world will end as we know it', this isn't a doomsday prediction but more a spiritual changing within the living creatures of this earth to finally realise it is all ours to share because there's enough resource and technology for every one of us to live like kings if we all accepted we are all one.
But hey thats just my opinion, what do you think?
I am really hoping that on 21st Dec 2012, that it will be the end of the end of the world predictions.