It guessed a kangaroo rat and then on second attmept, a rhino. I was thinking of a hedgehog.
Of course, I probably wasn't helping when I didn't know the answers to some of those questions because practically the only thing I know about hedgehogs comes from Sonic the Hedgehog.
At least some of these I would take issue with ...
Uncommon Knowledge about a song
Does it live in mountains? I say Probably.
"Is it a common farm animal? I say Probably.
Would you find it on a farm? I say Yes.
Does it taste good fried? I say Yes.
Is it sharp? I say Probably.
Can it be given in proposal for marriage? I say Yes.
Does it require specific knowledge to use it? I say No.
Is it conscious? I say Probably.
Is it used in Oriental cooking? I say Probably.
Is it a wild animal? I say Probably.
Is it a predator? I say Probably.
Does it taste good with butter? I say Probably.
Is it delivered? I say Probably.
Is it fragile? I say Probably.
Does it move air? I say Yes.
Is it clear? I say Yes."