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1m immigrants given British citizenship in the past decade!


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
I would say that sounds pretty racist.

So preserving your race and cultural Identity is rascist is it? I would imagine that many ethnic groups feel the same way about their race and cultural Identity.

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
So tell me what are the reasons behind opposing racial intergration and deporting of non-whites?


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
So tell me what are the reasons behind opposing racial intergration and deporting of non-whites?

Many ethnic groups are against racial intergration. Its about preserving unique cultures. As for deporting non whites. I think you may be suggesting forced repatriation which is not BNP policy anymore and which I oppose anyway.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Buxted Harbour
goldstone said:
Boy oh boy! Been in Frankfurt for the day (full of bloody foreigners) and come back to page 6 of the thread! Certainly has got you people debating and some of you doing your own bit of ranting. Thank you for the support of my views ... by only a minority I'll agree ... good to know there are some like-minded people out there.

To tell you the truth I had absolutely no problem when the first immigrants from the West Indies arrived in the sixties. Lovely people, worked hard, seemed to enjoy being here, spoke English and integrated fairly well. But now it's got completely out of hand and my expeience in the UK passport line the other day (only white face in the queue) really made me mad. What has happened to our country?

I think you'll find the majority of people in the country share your views pal. You won't get much support on here due to the fact it's full of sandal wearing, tofu eating, lesbian vegetarians.

Strap a rucksack full of fertiliser to your back and you are welcomed with open arms. Fight for this country and win a Victoria Cross and you're told sorry no room at the inn!

It's disgusting!

VC hero Gurkha banned from living in Britain 'because he has no strong ties with UK'

His courage in the face of almost certain death earned him the Victoria Cross.
Tul Bahadur Pun single-handedly stormed Japanese machine-gun positions during the Second World War.
The Gurkha's extraordinary act of valour won him royal admirers and he was invited to the Queen's Coronation and had tea with the Queen Mother.

Old soldier: 84-year old Tul Bahadur Pun, who earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out, is being denied entry
Yet, despite his illustrious record, his application to live in Britain has been refused.
The old soldier was told: "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK."
Lawyers acting for Mr Pun, 84, along with 2,000 former Gurkhas, will appeal before the immigration courts in London in August.
Mr Pun, who has a number of serious health problems, must hope he can survive the intervening months in his home in Nepal.
He has a heart condition, poor eyesight, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and he requires daily medication – which is not always available where he lives.

Young hero: Tul in 1953, nine years after he won the VC
Mr Pun, who receives a £132-amonth Army pension, wants to move here because of his health.
However, among the reasons officials gave for refusing his plea was that he had "not produced satisfactory evidence" that he had a "chronic or long-term medical condition", and that treatment here would significantly improve his quality of life.
"I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated in this way is appalling," he said.
"I take a substantial amount of medication daily. There is not always a constant supply.
"There are no doctors or nurses, no medical outposts.
"I wish to settle in the UK to have better access to medication, care and support."
He has to travel from his mountain home to the Gurkha camp at Pokhara once a month to collect his pension.
It involves a day's walk and he has to be carried in a basket by several men.
Mr Pun earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out. He seized a Bren Gun and, firing from the hip and running through ankle-deep mud, he ignored Japanese fire to storm machine gun positions.
His official citation read: "His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring and beyond praise."
His Ealing-based solicitor Martin Howe said former Gurkhas such as Mr Pun have to show "strong reasons" – which can include medical needs and family ties – why they should be allowed into the UK.
He criticised Government officials in Nepal for being "too formulaic" in their approach. "They don't take into account the dignity and valour of these people," he added.
"This man was prepared to lay down his life in defence of Britain."
In Burma the Gurkhas fought with the special forces group known as the Chindits. Major Neville Hogan, chairman of the Chindits Old Comrades Association, said: "I can't think of a braver soldier who served the British Crown. I have met him three or four times.
"The decision to refuse him entry is an absolute bloody disgrace. He should be sent to an army hospital or a home and given VIP treatment."
The Home Office said an independent immigration judge had powers of discretion on appeals from applicants such as Mr Pun.

Sign the petition here

And people wonder why the BNP are gaining seats??

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
coventrygull said:
Many ethnic groups are against racial intergration. Its about preserving unique cultures. As for deporting non whites. I thinnk you may be suggesting forced repatriation which is not BNP policy anymore and which I oppose anyway.

So how exactly are they going to legally expell non-whites from the country?

So preserving unique cultures means cutting out all others in Britain?

Because other cultures oppose racial intergration we should also adopt such ignorant stand points?


The moaning of life
Jan 8, 2006
In rehab
Arthur said:
I think you'll find the majority of people in the country share your views pal. You won't get much support on here due to the fact it's full of sandal wearing, tofu eating, lesbian vegetarians.

Strap a rucksack full of fertiliser to your back and you are welcomed with open arms. Fight for this country and win a Victoria Cross and you're told sorry no room at the inn!

It's disgusting!

VC hero Gurkha banned from living in Britain 'because he has no strong ties with UK'

His courage in the face of almost certain death earned him the Victoria Cross.
Tul Bahadur Pun single-handedly stormed Japanese machine-gun positions during the Second World War.

The Gurkha's extraordinary act of valour won him royal admirers and he was invited to the Queen's Coronation and had tea with the Queen Mother.

Old soldier: 84-year old Tul Bahadur Pun, who earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out, is being denied entry
Yet, despite his illustrious record, his application to live in Britain has been refused.
The old soldier was told: "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK."
Lawyers acting for Mr Pun, 84, along with 2,000 former Gurkhas, will appeal before the immigration courts in London in August.
Mr Pun, who has a number of serious health problems, must hope he can survive the intervening months in his home in Nepal.
He has a heart condition, poor eyesight, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and he requires daily medication – which is not always available where he lives.

Young hero: Tul in 1953, nine years after he won the VC
Mr Pun, who receives a £132-amonth Army pension, wants to move here because of his health.
However, among the reasons officials gave for refusing his plea was that he had "not produced satisfactory evidence" that he had a "chronic or long-term medical condition", and that treatment here would significantly improve his quality of life.
"I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated in this way is appalling," he said.
"I take a substantial amount of medication daily. There is not always a constant supply.
"There are no doctors or nurses, no medical outposts.
"I wish to settle in the UK to have better access to medication, care and support."
He has to travel from his mountain home to the Gurkha camp at Pokhara once a month to collect his pension.
It involves a day's walk and he has to be carried in a basket by several men.
Mr Pun earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out. He seized a Bren Gun and, firing from the hip and running through ankle-deep mud, he ignored Japanese fire to storm machine gun positions.
His official citation read: "His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring and beyond praise."
His Ealing-based solicitor Martin Howe said former Gurkhas such as Mr Pun have to show "strong reasons" – which can include medical needs and family ties – why they should be allowed into the UK.
He criticised Government officials in Nepal for being "too formulaic" in their approach. "They don't take into account the dignity and valour of these people," he added.
"This man was prepared to lay down his life in defence of Britain."
In Burma the Gurkhas fought with the special forces group known as the Chindits. Major Neville Hogan, chairman of the Chindits Old Comrades Association, said: "I can't think of a braver soldier who served the British Crown. I have met him three or four times.
"The decision to refuse him entry is an absolute bloody disgrace. He should be sent to an army hospital or a home and given VIP treatment."
The Home Office said an independent immigration judge had powers of discretion on appeals from applicants such as Mr Pun.

Sign the petition here

And people wonder why the BNP are gaining seats??

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
Arthur said:
I think you'll find the majority of people in the country share your views pal. You won't get much support on here due to the fact it's full of sandal wearing, tofu eating, lesbian vegetarians.

What a fantastically well thought out analysis of the general demographic of NSC.

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
So I take it you all oppose the idea of racial segregation and stemming of non-white immigrants?


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
So how exactly are they going to legally expell non-whites from the country?

So preserving unique cultures means cutting out all others in Britain?

Because other cultures oppose racial intergration we should also adopt such ignorant stand points?

From the BNP website

On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. We will abolish the 'positive discrimination' schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of 'asylum seekers', all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries
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the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
So I take it you all oppose the idea of racial segregation and stemming of non-white immigrants?

Speaking personaly. I believe that anyone coming to this country should embrace our language and culture. I think the whole idea of a multi-cultural society is dangerous and will not work. I think the whole idea of of the self serving multi-cultural industry is an expensive joke.
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Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
coventrygull said:
From te BNP website

On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years. To ensure that this does not happen, and that the British people retain their homeland and identity, we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration, the immediate deportation of criminal and illegal immigrants, and the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question. We will abolish the 'positive discrimination' schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens. We will also clamp down on the flood of 'asylum seekers', all of whom are either bogus or can find refuge much nearer their home countries

It's rhetoric though isn't it. Where is the evidence for this sixty year deadline and white Britons becoming second class citizens?

I'm sure you can find isolated examples but then that chooses to ignore evidence of the reverse.

If you are suggesting that regulation of asylum seekers needs to be better I will agree. Stopping people coming into the country who are persecuted in their own country is surely a problematic and inhumane idea.

Also why send people back? Surely through inegration different cultures can co-exist and even enhance each other?

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
coventrygull said:
Speaking personaly. I believe that anyone coming to this country should embrace our language and culture. I think the whole idea of a multi-racial society is dangerous and will not work. I think the whole idea of of the self serving multi-racial industry is an expensive joke.

What exactly do you mean by multi-racial industry?

I believe they should embrace our language and culture in the same way we should embrace theirs. Perhaps if that happened the cultures could co-exist rather than creating a conflict that sets up a dynamic of intended elimination.


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
It's rhetoric though isn't it. Where is the evidence for this sixty year deadline and white Britons becoming second class citizens?

I'm sure you can find isolated examples but then that chooses to ignore evidence of the reverse.

If you are suggesting that regulation of asylum seekers needs to be better I will agree. Stopping people coming into the country who are persecuted in their own country is surely a problematic and inhumane idea.

Also why send people back? Surely through inegration different cultures can co-exist and even enhance each other?

I think you will find areas in this country where Britons become second class citizens in there own country. Council housing is one example.

I agree that stopping genuine asylum seekers is inhumane but it should be stated that they are only here until the situation in that country improves.

Integration in this coutry does not exist. I am really concerned that there will be tensions between different ethnic groups. The trouble between blacks and pakistanis in Birmingham is just one example.

I also think taking workers e.g nurses from developing countries causes untold harm for the coutry they have left. We need to do more in helping the developing world and not exploining it. This will also stem the flood of immigration.


the right one
Jun 3, 2004
Bridlington Yorkshire
Les Biehn said:
What exactly do you mean by multi-racial industry?

I believe they should embrace our language and culture in the same way we should embrace theirs. Perhaps if that happened the cultures could co-exist rather than creating a conflict that sets up a dynamic of intended elimination.

I mean't to say multi cultural industry and have since edited If i went to live in another country I would expect to embrace their culture and values.

Its quite strange as I am interested in eastern culture and religion how ironic :lolol:

Les Biehn said:
What exactly do you mean by multi-racial industry?

I believe they should embrace our language and culture in the same way we should embrace theirs. Perhaps if that happened the cultures could co-exist rather than creating a conflict that sets up a dynamic of intended elimination.

Jesus mate we would have a lot of cultures to embrace.
Multicultral :nono: shuv it.


New member
Jul 7, 2003
Slightly off the current topic but maybe still relevant is the ongoing Saga of my other half's efforts to get a visa to come here.

First of all I made a big mistake, I decided to be totally honest which frankly I shouldn't have done. Secondly I have been lied to which once again the fools at the Immigration Office in Abu Dhabi have put in writing.

The real irony is that I wrote to the Home Office asking them for an explanation of their sloppy conduct and the person who responded (trotting out several falsehoods and completely ignoring the crux of what I said along the way) has a very, very Asian name. Racist ? Me ? No actually, I had occasion to complain about an Asian Security Guard and the British Embassy in Abu Dhabi and the Home Office replied and agreed that some Asians there are in fact racist with non Europeans.

Les Biehn

Aug 14, 2005
coventrygull said:
I think you will find areas in this country where Britons become second class citizens in there own country. Council housing is one example.

If this has happened then its terrible, but that because I think anyone no matter what their race shouldn't be treated as second class citizens.

coventrygull said:
I agree that stopping genuine asylum seekers is inhumane but it should be stated that they are only here until the situation in that country improves.

But surely this causes problems if they have set up roots here, their children my be have been born her and they are contributing positively to the economy.

coventrygull said:
Integration in this coutry does not exist. I am really concerned that there will be tensions between different ethnic groups. The trouble between blacks and pakistanis in Birmingham is just one example.

Integration is something that needs to be worked on, it isn't something that seems to happen organically that often.

coventrygull said:
I also think taking workers e.g nurses from developing countries causes untold harm for the coutry they have left. We need to do more in helping the developing world and not exploining it. This will also stem the flood of immigration.

:clap: I totally agree we need to do more in helping the developing world.
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Integration is something that needs to be worked on, it isn't something that seems to happen organically that often.

Been working on since the 50s aint worked.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2003
Buxted Harbour
Les Biehn said:
What a fantastically well thought out analysis of the general demographic of NSC.

It's true though. We must have more lefties and liberals than any other football club in the country.

I'm all for diversity, however I just hate people who think they are the cream that floats on the pint of piss because they hold a different political view to me. On this board there is an awful lot of people like f*** em!

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