If this was partly the case he did a ****ing sight better than Cummins or Boris would have done in the circumstances![]()
undoubtedly - Barber for PM??

If this was partly the case he did a ****ing sight better than Cummins or Boris would have done in the circumstances![]()
undoubtedly - Barber for PM??![]()
I posted this on the refund threadm but perhaps its more relevant to this one...
I thought the interesting thing from the Q and A, was that despite all the spleen spitting venom on here, only 48 people were actually concerned enough to email, and only 8 were against the concept of PPV. EIGHT out of in excess of TWENTY THOUSAND season ticket holders, so far from the club having got it wrong, If only 8 were bothered enough to contact the club I would argue this forum got it wrong over PPV and the clubs responses.
I have also seen twitter posts and comments saying how the club have performed a U Turn due to the fan pressure over refunds and PPV, . No such thing, the club never said they wouldn't refund,but were constantly reviewing the situation and as Barber said last night, there is no way you could come up with, and implement the refund scheme in a few days. Its obviously been months in the planning, was the announcement even brought forward as the board meeting was planned ages ago, not as a response to PPV and Big Picture announcements
This shows how the impression given on NSC forum (or any forum) is actually NOT always the majority view of the whole fan base. Sometimes this is forgotten on here, NSC is only one segment of a much larger following.
Once again, the club have made the best out of a bad situation, given there is no way the club can meet everyones needs and requests , the club once again seem to have found a way to cater for as many as its possible to do
Its easy to criticise the club, as many have done, but how many other clubs have done what Brighton has to keep fans informed, over this period.
He was advised it was a safety issue - i get that . I disagree and liked bringing flasks but i get it - other stadiums / venues do it. He also reduced the price of a cup of tea by 30p at the same time. Other venues didn't do that.
But the idea it was to drive up sales of hot chocolate. Come off it.
Sorry but really hate the fact that you are implying that it’s some kind of QAnon conspiracy theory that the club are trying to squeeze more money out of fans given the record of the current management team. I’m not going to go down the same conspiracy road and claim all the wearisome pro Barber flak comes from the same unofficial club spokesmen on here.
The facts are there was no security regulation made by anyone in government authority to ban flasks because of worries, other clubs haven’t done it - in fact I took mine into West Ham’s stadium which if any club should care about security fears, it should be them given it was the high profile Olympic venue.
It’s this cheesepairing attitude that alienates fans unnecessarily. I did donate money to the club in the past and had my name up on some board at Withdean doing so. I would have considered leaving my season ticket club with the club this time round if it wasn’t for irritating “we can do what we like” stuff from Barber