Really or whoosh?
Twitterbollocks posted by someone that’s being taken as gospel......
Really or whoosh?
Why do (did) I usually vote Conservative? Largely because the alternatives were generally Labour (not a hope in hell I'd vote for a party called "Labour" ... now if they changed their name to Social Democrats or something then maybe but unlikely), or Liberal who are far far too left for me ... and wanted to keep us in the EU. Recently I've voted UKIP and would probably vote again for a Farage party. He is the best politician we have. I am so opposed to Boris's policies concerning this Covid nonsense, and so unimpressed with the clowns in his cabinet that there's little chance I'll be voting Conservative for a long time and certainly not while he's in charge.So next election the chances are that my vote will be up for grabs.
Why are people on benefits mostly scroungers? Well mostly you just have to look at them. Single mothers with multiple kids from multiple fathers. Why should my taxes support such people? They should be neutered. Marcus Rashford's mother is a case in point. Three kids, different fathers? I didn't hear anyone asking where his father was when his mother was crying herself to sleep. No. It's always the bloody taxpayer who's expected to help out when fathers disappear and mothers continue having more kids with different men who also walk out. I'm not sure just how much help responsible people are expected to provide for the irresponsible. There has to be a limit.
70 people paid to watch Burnley![]()
It would give Sky & BT even more reason to push for the staggered kick-off times we have now to become permanent. If it became the norm then prices would undoubtably start to rise, eventually taking the choice away from more and more low-income families. Once fans are in the stadiums you can bet they'll look at removing the exemptions on pubs getting the PPV games for free too. This is why I used the frogs in hot water analogy the other day, because Sky & BT are never going to reach a point where they're happy with how much money they're making, they will always be looking to push for more money. A games live on Sky? Well unless you buy the PPV+ version they'll be adverts during stoppages in the game now. Well, the PPV model is working so well for Premier League games why don't we extend the service, F.A Cup games are now on the PPV. £15 a game for the PPV? We'll offer you an away game ST for £250, but you don't get any money off if your games are shown on normal Sky etc etc.
It's staggering how many people don't seem to realise that giant corperations like Sky/BT aren't your friends and will push as far as they can. Give them an inch and they'll take a yard and if people kick off too much they'll withdraw half a yard and act like they've done something nobel. Once something is an established moneymaker for them there's only one way it's going to go from there
"A top Sky source has revealed that both [Sky and BT] companies would happily see the pay-per-view service binned as they continue to deal with the fallout.
He said: “Sky is not happy to be involved in showing the pay-per-view games. We never thought it was a good idea and nothing’s changed since it started.
It is damaging the reputation of Sky Sports to be linked to this scheme – and that feeling is shared at BT. Everyone here would prefer for it to stop.”
Yer it's nonsense, someone just made it up on twitter.Source for this?
Curious . Why is it seemingly ok to watch or pay via a VPN for a semi illegal stream - but not ok to pay for PPV ?
At least with the latter - the club earns some revenue. Who gets the ad revenue or ££ if you watch a stream ?
It's fine if you believe this to be a sensible step for football to take. We already see what this means to the likes of Real and Barca who negotiate their own TV money independent of the rest of Spanish football.
That's not actually the case any more, is it?
It used to be, but I believe that more recently there's a collective deal across the league and, like the Premier League, proceeds are distributed based on performance. So, most seasons, Barca and Real will get more than the other clubs, but that's what happens here too.
Here you go:
A centralized model was legislated by a 2015 Royal decree and required implementation for the 2016/17 season. 2015/16 saw a hybrid model implemented as a stepping stone to full implementation.
Prior to the decree, La Liga teams sold rights on an individual basis. Barcelona and Real Madrid siphoned off a large percentage of the rights (combo of 38% in 2014/15). This percentage has now dropped to 23%. However, the pie has grown larger and so Barcelona and Real Madrid are banking more money than ever before.
The centralized model has been a great success. Teams finishing at the bottom end of La Liga are receiving over €40M each – in 2014/15 it was closer to €18M.
Teams finishing higher in the table have also benefited greatly. Atletico Madrid (€111M up from €42M, +163%) and Sevilla (€74M up from €35, +111%) are two prime examples.
Yes, but surely PPV goes back to the previous model rather than a more equitable one. I assume La Liga did this to even the playing field, my opinion is PPV will be the opposite of that. It is only an opinion but I can only see it going one way once the precedent is set.
Yes, but surely PPV goes back to the previous model rather than a more equitable one. I assume La Liga did this to even the playing field, my opinion is PPV will be the opposite of that. It is only an opinion but I can only see it going one way once the precedent is set.
Yup, I am donating to a food bank, will listen on radio.
I am also a season ticket holder at Gillingham. All the Gills home games are FREE on ifollow to season tickets , £10 for away games. Why don’t Albion do the same?
Maybe, but I was only correcting this point: "We already see what this means to the likes of Real and Barca who negotiate their own TV money independent of the rest of Spanish football."