I don't disagree, I would NEVER criticise someone who needs to count every penny from buying cheap veg or chicken or whatever but I can't hand on heart pay 8p for a bag - People are being stiffed in that chain and what you're buying clearly isn't the best. If you can afford to pay a bit more...
That, among other things, is what has been going round in my head for days - This isn't to excuse Wallace in any way but somehow the culture around him has allowed him to apparently behave like this for years. No wonder he can't see that he hasn't done anything wrong if none of his colleagues...
I've made no secret of the fact that I'm a 'greedy, parasite, landlord' and (because I'm not a greedy parasite) fully support more regulation around the rental market including some form of rent control, absolutely for tenants in place. Trying to have landlords sell up though does nothing to...
I remember 6 or 7 years ago talking to financial analysts, managers, directors and more (at a 'local' multinational financial services company you may know) about how we could use moderate types of AI to streamline roles in their organisations. They almost universally were of the opinion that...
NIgh on impossible and when you experience an interatcion between a high and low cast, it's quite eye opening. 'Serve me' was how a boss of mine suggested to a waiter that he was ready to order. I was at the house of another boss, he introduced me to the various members of his family and there...
To paraphrase Mitchell Johnson - Why are you chirping now mate, not winning races? - Don't let the door hit you on the way out Max....
Financially, it kind of makes sense that the cost of renting exceeds what the landlord is paying out - Morally, however, it's pretty repugnant. Amateur landlords, in particular, seem to think that it's okay for all expenses to be passed on to the tenant. Hearing some of the moaning when interest...
From the outside, I thought Rice was a bit silly but your suggestion that Veltman 'would have kicked the ball' is made through the bluest of blue tinted glasses - He only would have kicked the ball had it spontaneously jumped about 18 inches in to the air and he intended to volley it halfway to...
I'd be a bit concerned having read the 'how it works' section, there's a lot of room for error and potential for the cat having to wait to be let in (min 7 seconds), I'm not sure I'd want to have confused cats, they kind of need to know the flap is going to work:-
How does the active blocking...
I had the misfortune to find my neighbours mother in the river below our house a few months ago - I have lot of empathy for anyone who finds themselves in this position. Given those of us not in a profession that may require training for this sort of eventuality, it's a difficult thing to...