after having three very loud, 'challenged' women behind me rabbit on constantly for 90mins about every available subject under the sun, except the football at break neck speed, i am against this idea, i think we should charge them £50, thank you
BE WARNED!!! I came to blows with a guy a couple of months back that would drive me INSANE with his insistent nagging, and moaning, and b!tching and complaining at the top of his ridiculous shrill voice, you've honestly never heard such rubbish, it was infuriating!! He couldn't even string three...
I like football, I like cars, I like this thread... the weirdos are the ones reading too much in to it? haha
Spanish Dave gets my vote so far, very impressed that he choses to drive a great (unassuming) car like the F500 he clearly enjoys driving, as opposed to posing!!
sounds like the same as mine.
i assumed that the derby game was not displayed on the attendance tab as i had yet to attend.
as long as you can see mention of the derby game under all events.
now wouldn't that be fun on match day, haha
The ability to check prior, as I have suggested should put people minds at rest and save them additional time and effort online, on the phone or on the day, sake!
I'm perfectly 'chilled' thank you for your concern, although your comment is so helpful none the less.
Please read what I have taken the time to post in an attempt to HELP OTHERS
I am fine, my card was not loaded, but it is now
I spoke with the club, they apologised and informed me of the...
thanks, but..... 'that said however, despite my gold status having been confirmed, an email confirmation received, my card debited, fan points awarded, and the game appearing in my purchase history the reservation for my seat had not been released on to my card.'
i signed up recently, so it was not up and running for me all season, had it of been i would not have been concerned and i don't imagine i would have had an issue think some poor bugga has to manually load thousands of cards, over a period of time? i doubt it, it is an automated process
firstly, i would like to point out that just because i have had an issue, doesn't mean i am suggesting everyone will, i am not suggesting that, but it is apparant that an unknown number of people are suffering an issue as i did, and you may be one of them.
i upgraded to gold over a week ago, my...
i've just logged straight on to the site without issue, no wait time at all now which is good, and my purchase history still says 'printed' I was wondering if it had changed to 'booked' since the club manually addressed my issue, but no change, and i know i am now sorted, so i would therefore...
i didn't take the risk; having been told it should say 'booked', i tried to call, but phones were down (not busy) when i tried calling, so i visited the club, and queued.
was told i'm sorry there has been an issue with a number of sth, but now we're aware we'll manually log in to the system and...
oh, i'm sure there were a few there trying it on, but the majority were all having problems i am afraid, i spoke to several of them, and overheard the many conversations with the staff walking up and down the queue and at the desk. when i spoke with the manager myself (whom i know) she expressed...
Been down to the club, (before I saw this) there is a huge number of people affected. I know this because I couldn't get in the door for all the people waiting to be sorted!! The phones are down, the website can't handle more than one visitor at a time, nightmare!