Many, MANY old farts around me will not have the stomach for next season. They encourage the worst of each other and they moan relentlessly every game, about everything. Does my nut. When we're winning and doing well you could hear a pin drop. Bizarre!!
I've got two of those. Does my head in, sometimes he can be frustrating to watch and occasionally deserves the odd comment, but it is non stop and they NEVER praise him when it is clearly deserved. I confronted them on the subject twice to; surprise surprise, racist jokes about the size of his...
There is one of them in every stand, every're not alone! I have one directly behind me. Takes all my strength not to throttle him every game.
Wired/Linked heat/smoke/monoxide alarms in kitchen/hall/landing. Make a serious racket. Had to pay out for the full monty when we opened up the downstairs to satisfy buildings regs.
OK I've sorted a pro for you. 'Singing tutors' are dime a dozen. If you want her to learn more than imagery then drop me a PM. She doesn't have a huge amount of availability so it'll just be a question of whether or not you can agree a convenient time.
Lessons via Skype haha
Specialises in...
HAHAHAHAHA they're numpties and so are you. They get what they deserve. They should've let the bike and the car and everyone else through instead of wasting their time and everyone else's arguing with them unnecessarily. 300+ days a year it's a public road. We don't have to be selfish ********s...
The stewards are idiots. They cause such unnecessary carnage. They insist on a 10min discussion with every individual driver, and create solid traffic all the way back on to the roundabout and A23, which in turn snarls everything up completely. Why don't they just send traffic through and out...