If I had access to their data I might have a different opinion. I don't, so my opinion is based on my own experience, and your entire forum is based on idiots like me and our daft opinions, so don't knock it pal.
Apologies. No idea where you're coming from here. Don't understand your post. I'm a season ticket holder. My match price is great. No complaints. I want to bring friends for less. £42 is too much and intelligent people know that. They feel stupid for paying it. It's not a case of what you can...
Both myself and them wish to sit together. Obviously. I wish to sit in my seat, (also obvious) and I don't wish to have to change it and call the club and move around each time. (Very understandable) My friends do come every now and again and they sit in the cheaper areas. I have before now...
Nope! Nothing there (no matter how many times you repeat it) to convince me tickets are priced smartly enough. Reduce them a little and watch the sales increase and the empty seats fill up. Reduce them some more and the stadium will be full every week. I work in the airline industry and no other...
So get equipped. It's not 'new tech.' It's been around for ages. Just call your bank and ask for it. They'll give it to everyone eventually when your card is due for replacement, but ask for it and they will give it to you at your convenience. Fella, card payments are decades old, there is no...
The number one queue problem at the AMEX is the catering companies blatant attempt to take cash over card, and their cash only queues. It's the 21st century. In this day and age it's ridiculous to expect everyone to always have enough cash with them. (Although I will admit, the AMEX has more...
I will put it to you as simply as I possibly can...what was 'formal' about his warning? If that was a formal warning then what could possibly be considered an informal warning? Constructive feedback? A frown? No, that was not a formal warning regardless of who you work for, or where. Simple.
haven't we struggled (second half) in a couple of our previous games to maintain our midfield dominance, against weaker opposition? hence the 60/70min changes houghton has previously made to 451? (i think only ever when we have been ahead.) he is possibly aware that this is going to be our...
I see where you're coming from, and I had to consider it, but I will take the two wins please. I mean, the single win. A loss might take the pressure off a little, in an attempt to try and put a positive on it.
It's not a female thing!! Forums are generally full of sad twats, but this forum has more than its fair share with too much time on their hands. Falling all over themselves, desperate for the slightest opportunity to try and put someone else down in a vain, pathetic attempt to compensate for the...
'If' it's their choice, then good on them! If it's not, then good on them all the same, and good luck to them. Of course it's not fair at all that they should be forced to do so; under any circumstances, that's unacceptable, but It will lead the way for many others to be as open as they'd like...