Rant?! haha More than three words in a sentence constitutes a rant in your world? That’s cute!
Yes, I have twenty years experience in the industry, Infact I have direct negations with Amazon re their payment acceptance on the daily. (Go me! I’m sure you’re very impressed, not!) I made no...
The ‘code change’ is a piece of p!ss, that is not the issue and is the smallest part of the challenge. The bureaucracy involved in a change like that however is never ending!
FYI 1.5% isn’t high for the industry. 0.3% is Infact INSANELY LOW!! Which puts a whole different perspective on it. 1.5% is approx what all merchants pay for VISA too BTW.
I’m from Brighton and Hove haha, I’m good at that haha
How about that for a paradox. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve been told I gaslight her haha …I had to Google it haha, so if I am a gaslighter at least I know I’m not an intentional gaslighter.
‘Hard?!’ In Kent?! You’re being sardonic, surely? It’s not exactly Bradford or Wakefield or Leeds haha
Edit: WOW! I stand corrected. I apologise. You live in Kent, you are hard. Apparently 5th hardest area in England. I’m shocked! Maybe it’s because Kent also holds the record for the warmest UK...
‘Kent?’ haha …why Kent?
Haha, I agree, consider the question in regard to any non specific form of salutation to the effect of ‘hello’ or ‘goodnight’ a sufficient example.
Yea, that was deliberate. In the hope of garnering fair, impartial responses. ;)
Yea, that didn’t escape my thinking...
Thanks man. I agree. Appreciate you taking the time. (Tactfully.) It’s tough to have your point of view invalidated at every turn, told your feelings are baseless and that I shouldn’t feel the way I do or that I’m overreacting, only to be punished if I ever voice concern. It’s not even about...
Agree. Loved Hughton, but my god, the man was a broken record. He was so predictable with all the same stock retorts, and most managers are just as bad. Potter strikes a wonderful balance between speaking his mind, being honest, and yet respectful to the interviewer without being overly...
Fed up with stubbornly being told I’m entirely wrong, about EVERYTHING, under all circumstances, and made to think I’m insane, so I’m curious…do you seek out your partner on returning home to say ‘hello’ and do you say ‘goodnight’ before going to bed? (If I can work out how I’ll add a pole.)...
If not the best manager in the world tactically, although arguably has the potential to be (starting to sound like a Leeds fan) there’s a VERY strong argument to suggest he is the most intelligent football manager in general terms. We are so lucky to have him. He never puts a foot wrong in...
Although a hugely naive exaggeration, the main issue will be the commercial and legal negotiations which can go on and on and on for months at the very very least (more accurately years) if this is where they’re at presently. Will likely be a year minimum before anything changes.
Totally irrelevant. AMEX made a deal acceptable to AMAZON. They don’t have the same Monopoly (arrogance) that VISA have and obv met in the middle. AMEX offer a HUGE amount of incentive above and beyond simply processing small value trans for the masses and nothing more. Not an exaggeration. AMEX...
Buyer protection is standard across all credit transactions, not specific to VISA despite what they’d have you believe with their ‘altruistic’ advertising.