That is hilarious!! What a wind up merchant. The Twitter feed was VERY disappointing though. I was hoping it’d be full of raging CFC fans kicking off haha
The tunnel isn’t the problem. (Cars and pedestrians make it through quite amicably IMO) It’s the lights!! As others have said, they remain red for SO LONG when there is very little traffic in the other direction. It’s daft and IMO easily fixed! Same on the falmer road. Why on earth they aren’t...
I’m 41. I definitely ‘get it’ but then I was raised right haha
…and educated myself by reading about the history. I may not have been the fan I am now then obviously, but this is my club and I care as much about its past as I do the present.
I grew up around it, went to games from a young age...
I didn’t see this originally, and I’m pretty much over it but that’s just sent me into a rage haha, I wish I could’ve called in at the time and educated the patronising, sanctimonious moron!
How dare he make such outrageous assumptions and generalisations about us. He knows nothing, clearly! We...
(Checks previous post for ‘should have’ five times!! haha) …my mother used to pick me up on that one a lot as child! haha
At least it’s not ‘should of!’
You’re right of course, but this is a football forum. I don’t think anyone’s (primary) intention for coming on here is to learn/be taught...
I think it all depends upon the ‘intent’ (is it your aim to be helpful or simply make yourself feel clever/superior?) but what really matters is how it is ‘received’ and so the only thing one can truly control is how it is ‘delivered.’
Very relaxed thank you! I was calling myself the hypocrite for calling out the ‘morons’ 🙄
I recognise that on some occasions it is meant in ‘good’ humour, but it very often isn’t, and I personally find it a bit basic tbh.
I’m shocked, and I feel dirty for saying this, but I really enjoyed that. Is that wrong?! On the basis of that, I think I’d really like to see that in the PL. I would go as far as to say it added to my entertainment. 😵
(WOKE WARNING!) Sorry to disrupt the tide of fish puns, but I for one am really pleased to see this. I can appreciate how much work it is for you and the mods but as our team grows in stature and popularity so to will NSC surely, and these kind of measures will become more and more unavoidable...
I would suggest that Brighton(proper) most likely has the highest number of chavs by far, although perhaps not by average I suppose. They’re just more dispersed. Numbers innit, you can spin them however you wish.
(iPhone) My ticket disappeared completely (when I double pressed the power button) for the Bournemouth game and when I visited the site and ‘eventually’ found the option to re-add it, (which could be so much easier to find!!) I kept getting the message that it was ‘already on my device’ (or...
Yes, that’s fair, and very deliberate. I’m very cautious about what I share and how I share it, as would anyone be in my position if they had any sense. I tend to confirm the odd thing rather than overtly blab about sensitive things that would draw unwanted attention and/or I don’t think should...
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re not being deliberately facetious. I did not make it up. I do not make up any of the things I choose to share. As for what I do or do not see and hear I will obviously not say more for my own sake.