From watching highlights on MOTD (armchair supporter), can't really see how Ryan is to blame for the first goal. If he'd stayed on his line he still wouldn't have stopped it.
Clearly not, hence why if Christianity is true I would have needed someone to tell me about it.
All I will say is that I truly believe this kind of modern-day "don't mind me" attitude has produced a general populace who is too cowardly to tell people when they think they're on the wrong path at...
Unfortunately, I'm not sure anyone who has replied to this thread has either read the article fully or has an understanding of the Christianity of the Bible.
a) Why is he an idiot? His diary entries clearly illustrate that he was 100% aware of the risks of going to the island. Have we called...
I definitely agree with this. I thought that what happened at Leicester had transcended football - it brought the entire football community together and I think the general consensus was that if ever a time a player shouldn't be booked for taking his shirt off, it was for Gray's tribute to...
The first thing I thought of when I heard that Sol Bamba had denied taking his shirt off to the ref, was that his lie was incredibly disrespectful to Demarai Gray in light of his booking for taking his shirt off to reveal the Vichai tribute message. Obviously Atkinson is primarily at fault for...
I think this is the crux of my point. I feel you have to sort of play like this to survive. Exciting football is for the Championship. I want us to stay up, but in terms of enjoying football, I wouldn't be too gutted if we went down.
Fully expecting to be shouted down with this considering the tide of threads currently doing the rounds after yesterday, but here we go.
Does anyone else feel that this season is a little bit more exciting than last? Yes, I know the style of football hasn't been particularly exhilarating and...
Christians Against Poverty are a wonderful organisation who genuinely want to help people. I, and many others I know, have been on their CAP money courses and I would strongly recommend anyone who struggles with budgeting/has no grip on their finances to sign up to one of these. They empower...
If anything I'm a bit more excited about us at the moment. At least we know if we go a goal or two down we have it in us to claw our way back into games.