He could’ve behaved considerably worse and the club would still have given him a respectable send off! That’s just how our club operates.
He only ever put in a good performance for us (‘100%’) when he thought it was in his best interests to do so, and would facilitate his step up to better...
I am having a great day? Whatever gave you the impression otherwise. You’re a strange guy!
Instagram recommends all kinds of rubbish and I will continue to ignore it, (that video had nothing to do with Brexit, if it did I wouldn’t have clicked on it FYI) like I’m now going to ignore you. 🙄
I’m all good thanks. How about you?
I simply have no desire to get drawn into a Brexit discussion. It’s no more complicated than that.
It’s a mildly amusing video. (That it would seem just so happened to be posted by a Brexit channel.) No more, no less.
Don’t know. Don’t care! …and congratulations. You spend more time watching daft videos on the internet than me. I personally have never seen it before, despite watching more than enough myself.
Very true and to an extent it’s a numbers game. We might concede a few, we may even lose a few but we’re are DEFINITELY going to score more and win more!
God I wish I had some way of giving this to the old boy behind me months ago. I actually turned to him this weekend for the second time to try and explain that our centrebacks aren't clueless idiots, unable to see an obv pass infront of them but that it’s entirely deliberate and tactical. He...
This thread was going so well and we all seemed more or less in unanimous agreement until the last few pages…funny that…was quite refreshing tbh (bit like RDZ’s press conferences.)
How no one has pointed out the bleeding obvious yet is beyond me. We all know how it works surely?! The club had...
Can’t deny, I genuinely enjoyed that. He is hilarious and not just because it was us they lost to. (Which def adds a lot don’t get me wrong!) That is a standard I have nev experienced watching any of these horrendous YouTubers before. The Welbeck comment killed me haha
First time I have ever thought to venture into another clubs domain and really enjoyed their opening post on their match day thread. IMO worth a share/read.
Simple, welbeck was the last player to score, rinse and repeat. Welbeck doesn’t impact the game bring on Fergie. Keeps both pushing/challenging/happy for their place and on and on. Get the best of both of them. It’s fair!
Take this back! Yes they’re talking about LFC non stop but the opening praise regarding us was EXACTLY what we should have got from MOTD last night. It was 30secs and they’ll now talk about LFC for 20mins BUT it was a true/accurate reflection of how good we were and that we earned the win!