Same here, I must say I hold greater affection for them than our current crop for those same reasons, as well as what they achieved for the club! I'm a closet Forest fan on the side at the moment. :moo:
Jeepers creepers, we go from a majority of NSC'ers after the Arsenal game thinking that Potter should be sacked after 1.5 seasons in charge, to just over a month later people claiming he could prove to be the club's greatest ever manager. :moo:
CH for me, for getting us to the promised land and...
Yes. Maty claims that GP didn't bench him because he liked the role Steele plays as number 2 on matchdays, effectively relegating Maty to third choice. This is corroborated by the fact that Steele has been number 2 all season, including on Maty's last game for the club against Leicester. If...
Very much agree with this.
GP isn't wrong in his goalkeeping strategy of having a permanent number 2 for matchday purposes, rather than a number 2 who is there to push for the starting spot. That's the way he wishes to manage his team. However, it does appear unique. A more conventional...
Cheers DJ! I salute you hugely for dealing with a newborn and a 4 year old - my wife and I keep saying that we do not know how we could do this with another child! Good tip - I had a dummy for an embarrassingly long time as a child and my teeth have not thanked me for it as I’ve got older, so I...
Very well timed thread Crodo as my wife gave birth to our firstborn on Thursday evening and we're currently on the breastfeeding journey. I've been trying to post less on NSC since then but this thread caught my attention!
I definitely don't think there should be shaming beorhthelm around...
Thank you for your warm wishes and 100% agree with all that - 2016/17 were the glory days for me! A magical time to follow the Albion and Murray and Knocky were absolutely integral. I still hum their songs to myself today! :albion2:
Bloody love you Glenn, you are the club’s all time great in my eyes and I loved watching you play. Statue status for me. Going to Palace just made the resulting comeback, taking us to the PL, all the sweeter. Thank you for everything, and I’ll make sure my baby daughter who was...