Due to the popularity of Wally do you not consider that it would be appropriate to invite him to Withdean to be introduced again to the fans, that is assuming that he is well and live not too far away. I know that the club have a good record of doing this so must assume that it is possibly...
Cant see this reported anywhere but I undertsand Chris Birchall has been called up in Trinidad & Tobago squad for game next Wednesday against El Salvador so out against Peterborough.
I am sure that I am not the only person who gets a little fed up reading questions asking who is going to sit where and on what seats and who the caterers are going to be and can we have real ale etc. I am sure that you have many more important things to do rather than spend time answering...
Are the club permitted to call in the 4th official, who usually lives fairly local, to do an inspection early on a Saturday morning if it looks doubtful or are there League rules that do not allow that.
In Fridays Star it said that there are 4,944 combinations of how to complete a 9 dart game how many do we know:
I will start with a few: Treble 20 (180) , Treble 20,(180), treble 17 Treble 18 Double 18 (141) = 501.
180, 180, Treble 19 Treble 18 Double 15.
180 180 Treble 20 Treble 19 Double...
Does anybody still have dripping on their toast?
I persuaded wife to cook the roast beef in just lard today rather than her usual way and thus had a bowl of beef dripping left which I then had on some toast for my tea just like in my childhood. It was delicious and cheap.
Are there any other...
In todays Argus says that when our squad are all fit we are formidable and should avoid relegation without any problem. Is this a true view or just hype to make us think that we are better than we are thus giving them an advantage. I think it is a realistic view.
Is it possible to delete and not permit any threads that:
(a) Compare Wilkins & Adams
(b) Suggest Adams should be sacked or resign
(c) Knight should go
These types of discussion have now become tedious and repetetitive. It is most obvious that they are going to have no affect whatsoever on...
Is it possible to download Karaoke discs with both music and words, if so where please.
The shop I normally use near Guildford is not open again until after new year and wanteda couple for New years Eve home party.
Before viewer votes
Lisa & Brendon 3 points
Rachel & Vincent 3 points
Tom & Camilla 1 point
Viewer winner gets 3 points, 2nd 2, loser 1, so the max Tom could get is 4 the least either girl could get is 4 the other 5.
It is fixed for Cry Baby to win.
I have Excell on my PC which is part of Office 2003 and I have documents that I have created in Excel now in My documents. Somehow the Excell icon has moved off of the desk top, dont know how I have done it. I thought oh simple look in start > all programs and replace the icon but alas not...
Am I wrong in my interpretation that the website clearly states that it is a bonus of 20% thus giving 30% total discount, Bonus is extra, to the normal. Could you please confirm the actual % discount on 8th and 15th December.
My sons girlfriend was asked to look after a workmates dog, a Husky. He is White & Grey, listed as fern, He is 6 years old and they have all of his papers but he has been neutered. He is very good with children.
Her house is not big enough to have such a large dog but the owner has told...
To solve our problems Micky needs to act very quickly to bring in either another defender in the mould of Simon Morgan, who he brought in last time, or another Guy Butters to organise the defence preferably as a player/defensive coach but if not bring in an old experienced defender like Jason...
Has anybody seen Adam Hinshlewood playing for Lewes and if so do you think that he will come back for us as we desperately need him after yet another woeful display and mistake by Whing, that cost us the game.
What is the chance of everybody at Withdean getting behind the players and management for change and see if we can be the 12th player to help them to a win.
I am seriously concerned that the loan players if asked to extend their loan will say bollox I am not staying playing in front of that...
I have always eaten meat simply because being a war baby it wasnt available much with rationing and when it came off of ration it was a special delicacy. Plus I think as people we have eaten meat for 100s of years, apart from teenager girls who all go through a fad of 'being a vegetarian', but...
Good performance by David Haye but has he the power to beat either of the Klitchko brothers, I am not sure that he has. I think that he is best off chasing Vladamir rather than Vitali.