Changing the subject for a moment from “is one of England’s greatest ever strikers a cheat or not because he’s shafted the Albion once or twice and the referee is an innocent bystander, forever hoodwinked by Kane’s tricks”, I could watch Hazza take penalties every day. He puts all of those who...
It’s definitely high up in my Top 5 least favourite traits about NSC. If that had been Muzza we’d have been applauding how intelligent a striker he is.
Let me get this straight. Conservative MPs resist calls for a second referendum on Brexit, criticise Boris for trying to change the ministerial code, but would happily change the vote of no confidence rules to force another vote sooner than 12 months, to get their own way? And people think...
In this fairer than fair electoral system we have, I’ll be in reality voting for a local representative who can change party if he/she wants (a la Christian Wakeford) or even try and oust the Prime Minister who I was really voting for in the first place.
On the football side, I’m not overly concerned that we lost to Hungary. They were a decent outfit in the Euros and would have qualified for the knockout stages if they hadn’t been in the group of death. Southgate has such a large pool of players to choose from that he has to treat Nations League...
“Scum”, “fraudster”, “he makes me sick”. I’d be interested to hear your choice of vocabulary when talking about Hitler or Putin if those are the words you use to describe a football manager.
:lolol: :lolol: :lolol:
I have never known how Palace fans truly believe they have more room for growth than we do. They are one of many teams in London. We are the only team in the entire counties of both East and West Sussex (tinpot Crawley aside).
Often I'd agree with you, but correct me if I'm wrong but 3rd place this year was very fluid all season. Pretty sure Hudders' only snatched it on last day as Forest drew with Hull?
I noticed that comment too. The way Worrell compared Forest to a mistreated dog going to a kind owner and having a remarkable personality change struck me as a slight at CH, but I could be over-analysing as I cannot imagine CH being anything other than nice and professional.
Really, really...