The Star on Sunday reported that Bradley Johnson will not sign an extention of his contract with Leeds because he wants £6k per week.
Are we paying that much lower than Leeds because there has been suggestions that we have offered Glen Murray £6.5k per week . Is that not pretty standard for...
One of my grandchildren has just had to pay £1.12p for his birthday card as my wife sent it without thinking about it being a large letter so the postage wasnt sufficient. Hence the extra 12p postage and £1charge. I know that they are right and wife was wrong but you would think that...
Been having a discussion with 1 of my sons as this affects another one. If a person is banned for having 12 points for speeding or whatever when the ban finishes I maintain that the license isnt clean but those points cannot be taken into account a 2nd time. Youingest son says that...
What caused the moment when Charlie and Tanno went absolutly ballistic at the 4th official and it appearred that Gus had to calm them down. Was it the tackle that set them off.
Sister in law gave my granddaughter some Cadburys Chocolate Fingers today and I had a couple and I swear that the taste of the chocolate has changed since they have been bought out. The chocolate tasted very similar to a lot of the cheap stuff you get in cheapy shops. Is it me or have...
The situation about pubs closing down has got very serious. Drove through Handcross and noticed the one at the end of the road in front of the football pitches was it called The Fountain is now boarded up. Also went past The Piltdown Man and that has scaffolding all around it and looks...
I am 67 years old weigh 21st and admit I am too fat. I can diet to reduce the weight if needed but that is not the problem. The problem is The Gut!!! how do I reduce that. I know people will say exercise but wont go to a gym because 1 cant really afford it and I think they are a rip off...
I posted this Feb 2008 on Ask The Club.
Registered User
Join Date:Jul 2003
Location:Haywards Heath
Posts:23,326Season tickets 2008/9
Have the club considered spreading the cost over a 12 month...
For the last game at Withdean I would love to see a parade of players etc that have graced Withdean for us, obviously some like BZ will be playing but who else should be in it. I will name 4
Richard Carpenter
Guy Butters
Paul Rogers
Michel Kuipers, if not playing.
We seem to be gettinga lot of phone call from companies saying that if the terms of a credit card have changed since it was taken out, this is illegal and they will have the card cleared. The usual charge is about £300 with a guaranteed refund if not succesful. Is this a scam? If...
Wife is watching Dancing on Ice final and I must say that Jayne Torvill at 52 looks remarkbly fit as in its true term although she is not bad looking. I know nothing about ice dancing but do you think they could still produce a performance if competing in a tournament. Must say them...
I thought the idea of comic relief was to have some comedy but as yet I havent seen one act that has been funny.
Take that were ok dont tell TCB if he ever comes on here again,
The best act was Susan Boyle and Peter Kay as for the rest I think that it has been very poor. Expecting 'Smithy' to...
I wanted to do a poll but dont know how so perhaps someone will help out !
Assuming they are Playing who should be our penalty taker. I would vote for Sparrow.
Doing the sighseeing rounds of Changing The Guard and Tower of London etc on Monday with in laws and need reccomendation from someone for dinner early evening either pub, restaurant or cafe near Victoria/Westminster that is reasonably priced so would be grateful of any views from those that know.
Danny Pike interviewed Charlie Oatway on Radio Sussex about his book and his life. Charlie always comes across as being very sincere and honest in his talking about his past life and spoke very highly of Gus saying he will finish up as a top manager. As he said most people are either a...
Was waiting in chinese takeaway and read a bit in Star on Sunday that Gus is chasing Crawleys 27 year old Argentinian midfielder and could sign him in the summer.
Any views, didnt Mark McGhee turn him down when he had a trial with us.
Mind you Chris Catlin turned down Ian Wright and I think it...
Are last nights goals available anywhere as son wants to see them after we raved about GM 2nd goal. Once again because SCC and Bournemouth didnt score Meridian didnt show any sports news this evening.
I know people think I am mad taking my trailer tent to the Algarve but it is something I want to do and the ferries are booked. Am now sitting down working out the routes etc and am having problems finding much information about lmotorways, which are free, which you pay for, how much they...