an absoulte idiot, accusing darrell Hair of "inflaming christian and muslim tensions" its cricket, they cheated, (in the eyes of the umpire,) thats it. why are blacks/pakistans/asians etc always bloody victoms? ever time something happens they dont like they always pull the racism/religous line...
Ringtone Sussex by the Sea
Ringtone Sussex by the Sea started by Yorkie
Posted by: Yorkie on April 11 2003,11:07
Here are the notes for Sussex by the sea using your composer
4g2 4g2 8g2 8g2
8#f2 8e2 2#f2 4-
4a2 4a2 8a2 8a2
8g2 8#f2 2g2 4-
8g2 8a2 4b2 4g2
4a2 8g2 8#f2
4g2 4e2 4d2 8-