I like them and think that they are by far the best generally available through out the UK. Just been reading about them and apparently they make 100,000 per day with yearly sales exceeding 60 million, that is phenomenal sales. The biggest seller is Chicken Balti pushing Steak and Kidney...
I wanted to ask HP a question but they appear to not operate an email contact address or telephone contact number for either customer services or support. The website does not recognise the serial number or product number of my lap top. All I wanted to know is what hard drive is...
I hng place ave reinstalled windows 7 on my granddaughters laptop but when typing script it often prints in the wro. As shown in bold I have tried a search on here and Google but cannot find a solution any help please.
We were told today at the turnstile that from 1st September no hot food can be brought into the ground The actual e mail shown on this forum says in 1901 and Dicks can you clarify the ruling and what it covers and where and possibly the reasoning behind this apparently absurd ruling. I am...
We are taking 3 young grandchildren ages 5, 7, 9 to Calais on the ferry for a day out. We need to give them dinner anybody kn ow of cheap child friendly eating places in Calais, if left to them they would opt for McDonalds at Carrefour. There used to be a chicken place near the square...
It is now accepted practice for the kicker at the kick off to pass the ball back. The rule governing that and kicking the ball forward has been changed but has the rule stating that no man may be in the opponents half at kick off. I have never seen any reference to a change of that rule.
Hopefully see Balogun and Bissoumma make an appearrance in one of the games today CH has said it is too early for Andone and Steele but Murray will take part.
With Vettel on pole and Hamilton 14th what is the chance of somebody shunting Vettel at the start of the race as they have done with Hamilton in the past.
We have a Hotpoint Ultimate Cooker with fan assisted oven and the fan needed replacing. We bought one from E Spares and son fitted it. However it doesnt work so son wants to check the wiring is correct. Anybody know how I can obtain or down load a wiring diagram or would standard...
We are having a new kitchen fitted which has meant a rewire of the kitchen. The electrician has put the freezer, the boiler, the washing machine and an extractor fan all on seperate spurred fused sockets but has put a double socket on the wall which will be behind the frudge freezer hence...
How do I stop the annoying pop ups that keep appearing. I googled it and then checked that the pop up blocker was working on chrome, which it is. The pop Ups are mainly Russian and Asian women adverts with some weight loss and erectile dysfunction adverts. None of which are of...
Do Brighton Council no longer employ street cleaners? Wife and I walked from Waitrose to Churchill Sq along Western Rd and were astonished at the state of the pavements which were very heavily laden with litter, fag ends and dog muck I know it is the reponsibility of indivduals but surely...
I am not an expert on rugby by any stretch if the imagination but having just turned on BBC 1 and seen the game on. My initial traction is that Rugby League is a lot more open and faster than Rugby Union.