In Munckins post about LuaLua signing on a loan today, his source apparantly said a prem striker would sign as well, realisticly i think it will be a young player from Arsenal or something, or an older player 30+ looking for some first team football before he retires. Ideas??
Gus said he wanted a 23 man squad and he has signed 4 and due to sign another 3 and im sure another 1 or 2 will follow so who do you think will miss out on a contract next year?
Since Poyet and Bloom have come along there has been so much speculation about whats going to happen ive got lost!! People have been throwing names at me saying were gunna buy them but who to believe? Can someone give me some realistic team sheets for next year so i have an idea of what everyone...
We have got hendrie arismendi crofts dicker navarro carole bennett and more but who do we play and is a formation change on the cards considering the players??? Answers please!
Ive been reading through NSC and have been suprised to see how negative people are being, such as getting on poyets back for not doing well in the transfer market??? Calderon painter and lualua were great signings and although two are on loan it certainly opens the door to buying them and...