Why why why does he persist with Barnes. What the hell is wrong with starting Dobbie or Hoskins. They need a fair crack now as I'm afraid Barnes is not up to it. His confidence must be shot to bits. Can you not see that Gus ?
Come on Gus start with two upfront on Tuesday for gods sake !!!
To contest a driving fixed penalty notice. My appeal seems to have fallen on deaf ears but I feel my actions are worthy of an appeal however they have you over a barrel I think. I appears that if I want to contest the allegation i have to do so in court.
Has anyone here succesfully contested...
Well according to the BBC website, we are now the only club out of the 92 in the 4 divisions to remain unbeaten in the league this year after Charlton's defeat last night.
So a home defeat tonight it is then !!!! Or will this run continue ??
At home in the cup would be my choice. Cannot remember when we played against either team. We've already had Liverpool, Spurs and Sunderland this season.
So with the KLL news I'd really like to see Gus ring the changes this Saturday, but of course it will depend on the fitness of some. So for me this coming saturday, I'd like to see:
Calde- Greer - Dunk -Vincelot...
Since last week I've been unable to see the shorts highlights of the games on the BBC sports website. When I click on the link to watch the highlights all I get is a continuous yellow circle as if it's loading but doesn't. Is there a new version or something ?
Anyone else have this problem ...
Who would have thought we'd have a start like this. We should be saying sh*t we are playing xxxxx on Saturday. Instead they will be saying sh*t, we are playing Brighton next !!!!
Spoke to a mate of mine this morning ( he was hobling badly on the school run ) and told me he had an MRI scan on his problematic leg in Brighton last friday......he said that in the waiting room was a guy in an Albion logo'd top along with Lua Lua who was also having scans.
Not very exciting...
Glad I don't need to do that anymore.....leave that to the Stains, Hudds and Posh fans :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Wouldn't want to be in their shoes !!
Happy to have a ticket for saturday, however it's J block and to be honest don't feel inclined to stand throughout the game as i'm getting old !!!!
What are the chances of finding the odd spare seat in a more central position. ???