Something of interest that I picked up today from an interview that they did with someone sipping champagne in Falmer.
The interviewee said "John Prescott didn't give a yes to Falmer, as he knew we would be able to ask for a judicial review".
Now, to me, this seems like good news. Perhaps...
Now me, I'm normally a real England fanatic. Get very worked up before games, get very nervous, etc. But this year, I'm looking forward to Euro 2004, but I really, really can't wait until next season in Div 1.
In the past, I've always thought that the national team was of primary importance...
When you managed to gain control of this club;
we were playing at home in Gillingham :(
been on a downward spiral for about 7 - 10 years :(
had no ground :(
no plans for a ground :(
and were very close to dropping out of the league altogether:(
Since then;
we've won 2 championships...
Assuming we had everyone fit, who would your first 11 be.
For me:
Piercy Knight Benjamin
Jolly Carpenter Hart
Harding Butters Cullip Virgo
Close call between Cullip/Blackwell. Wouldn't drop Butters, as far as I'm concerned he's...
First, I don't have any inside knowledge, and secondly, I don't know as much about the inquiry as Perseus & Lord B.
However, I have taken an active interest (as most others on here have), and can't see why JP will turn it down.
Reasons to be positive.
1. There was a referendum in support of...
I watched Question Time last night and found it better than usual.
Oliver Letwin strikes me as a decent guy, not at all slimey. With more people like him, the tories may end up actually being able to challenge Phoney Toney next time round.
Ian Hislop was taking the p1ss out of Margaret Becket...
I was in the main away section with some friends and our kids. My boy is 9, one other is 10 and another 6.
There was a woman (looked like a real slapper) sat near me with 3 other guys and she was shouting obscenities all match long, i.e. c***, w***er, f***, etc, etc.
When we moved a few seats...
I think Collingwood has looked in better touch then Nasser, and Anderson is more of a wicket taker then Johnson/Hoggard.
I have seen a lot of negative comments over the last few weeks regarding Jake Robinson and the lack of a contract.
I believe that you are trying to get DK on your phone-in fairly soon.
If you do, please would you ask him the position regarding a full contract with Jake. He has (from...
If MM doesn't sort out the midfield soon, we're gonna be struggling to stay in the top 6.
Leon won't keep banging them in unless he gets decent service.
So far, the midfield has been pretty poor. We've played a fair amount of long ball, and only on the odd occasion have we knocked the ball...
Right. We're top.
Haven't exactly been firing on all cylinders yet IMHO (apart from 2 or 3 games).
I've split the league into thirds, top, middle, bottom.
We've played 5 out of the other 7 in the top third.
6 out of 8 from the middle.
2 out of 8 from the bottom.
In theory, this should mean...
I know, I know, another SC thread. I'm sorry, but it is a slightly important subject to us.
Following on from the thread about Asoct talking to Madejski, I think it's not going to plan for Reading.
SC said he would make a decision after the weekend, and implied early this week. He's always...
How would you feel if Reading chose Glenda, and not SC?
I mean, it's not like he's turned them down.
Do we accept our good fortune (after all, he's a good manager), and hope that we get Falmer, Promotion and more money coming into the club?
Or do you think Dk should tell him to poke it...
See girlies - you've looked.
You start you own topics, we don't look, then we try our own one, and in you come.
Just goes to show, you can't trust 'em can you.
Been reading a few of the posts ref Piercy & Saturdays game.
Not too many are happy with Piercy, some comments that Mayo wasn't too good either, Marney not much, Jones no good.
Well, considering we won 3-0, they didn't have a shot to remember and we're a depleted squad through injuries, I...
For all of those Knight bashers out there, who would you rather have as your chairman. Some rich tosser who doesn't even like the game, or a genuine fan of your club, who is doing his best to move us forward, but not put is in financial trouble?
It would be so easy for Knight to say, 'OK SC...
What if he wanted Owusu and Dk couldn't stretch that far, then SC gets a bit pissed off and suddenly the Reading job comes up.
SC gets approached and maybe, just maybe, has used this as a negotiating ploy to get a bit more of a budget.
Oh well, guess not, but hope you can see where I'm coming...