I first bought a manbag while living in France, where it is quite a usual practice for men to use one. Now I wouldn't be without it as it accomodates a variety of essentials including my driving licence,cheque book, flashlight,tools and an emergency urostomy bag in case of problems when I'm out...
Parsnip (Panais in french) is mostly thought of a food for animals in a lot of France although, in the last couple of years they have started to appear in French supermarkets.
As a former ex pat now returned to England I used to follow all changes to satellite transmissions via this web site
and very informative it is. They have already put up some info about the new changes that may help
1958 for me. First time promoted to the then Second division. Don't recall my first match, but do remember the game against Middlesborough, we lost 4-6. Dave Sexton got a hat trick for us inside 3 minutes.
Not exactly the above tune but on that theme and using some well known elements how about;
Oh we all love Brighton by the seaside
Yes we all love Brighton by the...
I've just strarted "Dead on Time", Peter James' 9th book in a series about the cases of fictional Brighton Detective Roy Grace.
I have read all the others and expect this one to be as good as all the other 8.
In 1958/59, the first time in the Second Division, when I first started watching the Albion I remember him scoring a hat trick in 2 minutes but we still lost 4-6 at home to Middlesborough. R.I.P Dave