Hi Simmo actually I am not left wing I leave that to Will Buckley! Seriously, I am however a trained historian. I make my living by analysing the crap out of issues. On a board such as this it is not really possible to reach the depth I would like its more a case of a precise, a summary to make...
WHAT! Jackanory, Jackanory...fairytale time it seems. Wilson a very cunning and manipulative individual best known for supporting Huddersfield Town, brought us the 'white heat' of technological growth contributed to creating the assets Thatcher would give away (called privatisation). Callaghan...
Is there really anyone sane who wants austerity? Seems to me like turkeys voting for Christmas. Hooray I can look forward to be unemployed or Yipee I can look forward to working until I suck my last breath, screw having a National Health Service.....Line up line up for the chop.
I think the...
When oh when are people going to engage their brain and stop sucking up tory propaganda. I have not voted labour in 25 years but as he is my M.P I have taken an interest in what he has to say. Not the edited version that most of the country get, but his full speeches and ideas. It is clear why...
You will always have unemployment unless you go for a system where the state employs those who cannot be employed elsewhere. Last time I looked Swedish unemployment was 7.7% which is much lower than here. In addition they have a system of semi-employment to obtain your benefit i.e community...
Shame history is barely taught these days or we would all realise we have been here before and will be here again. Put simply one group chase growth and will borrow i.e mortgage the other group will cut to get cheap labour and enhance wealth at the top. Both are probably wrong but its the way it...
What 20 years? We have had Tory victories constantly since 1979. It matters not the party. Blue Tories or Pink Tories we are always getting Tories. Thatcher, Major, Blair, same old ideas and so we are doomed. Better pray the Scots do not leave the union and take their stable politics and oil...
As I attend most of our games so I was at Burnley yesterday. I was astounded by the anger directed at us and our team. Reading their website they seem to think we were a bunch of divers or assassins. On exiting the stadium I had to wall through a gauntlet of Burnley fans to my car. I was...
Firstly the Falklands is British in the same way Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc etc. It like all former colonies is free to be independent or remain connected to the mother country. They do not wish to leave so just because there's a bully next door does not mean we surrender to them. Some...
This legislation will effect us all. At some time in your life you will require medical care. The most deadly element for me is not as to whether a health authority or a GP controls funding it is the 49%. That is the figure that hospitals will be allowed to privatise i.e currently only 2% now...
Seems like most enjoyed their visit to Donny. If you missed it this time you should really take in the market, lots of well everything. Very friendly natives and as I am rapidly discovering a fair number of fellow seagull fans in residence. Hope Donny manage to stay up so all you guys and girls...
Big thanks to everyone involved, my son Logan was really proud to play alongside our great supporters. He hit four goals in his Sunday match, pity he couldn't get one Saturday...an equaliser would have been handy.
I do think legislation is needed on this issue. When I lived in Sussex my neighbourhood was overrun with cats and the birds were gone, I lived in Kent and the birdsong returned, but then in came loads of cats and they were gone (killed). Now I live in Doncaster and we still have a few birds but...