I agree with you but think its more the disappointment in the shift to the right by Labour and the Conservatives opened the way for the SNP. Scots have a strong sense of Justice and Westminster does not deliver.
Well that's a surprise!(you living in Glasgow) All my family and Scottish friends often express their anger at the 80's Tory experiment and the fact the Labour party ceased to be Socialist therefore failed to reverse Thatcherism. Can't believe you have not heard that. So little choice but to...
You clearly have no Scottish connections. The independence push is because of the Conservative agenda from 1980 onwards. Poll tax experiment etc note the lack of Conservative mp's . Labour's attempt to pacify the independence movement led to the Asssemblies and now Osbourne is to give more...
DANGER! Tory propaganda machine is working hard to discredit an extremely talented leader of the Labour party. They are worried about that talent and will bombard you constantly into thinking he is weak, he is a loony, he is ...well you fill it in. I hope he gets the chance to become PM better...
Correct and looking at national office stats it shows borrowing started to accelerate after 2008 to pay for bailed out financial system. Note much of this will be recovered by selling Lloyds and in the future RBS . No doubt the Tories will take the credit for the sale whilst blaming Labour for...
Just a small point but PFI started under John Major. Sadly New Labour continued this and the rest of the previous Tory agenda. I believe the press called it 'stealing the conservatives clothes' .
Spot on. We all go into debt at various times in our lives for a variety of reasons. We then adjust this with income. A government generates this through taxes or income from non privatised assets. The issue is fairness to all. No to tax dodgers at all levels and no to unnecessary waste.
Oh I guess I will. I would have had a nice lay in (only live a couple of miles from the ground) but got to get my son to the NSC match and give my support. The 'soccer reception area' is so called because it generally serves the local football small side leagues five days a week. Guess it...
My son Logan (you may remember deaf lad who played couple of years ago) is interested in playing in the game again. We are still living in Doncaster so can make it easily.