Ward is a definite for me as is Sidwell if we could pursuade him, and i'd also like to see Hangeland. If Wood is subject to just over a 1 million bid from Wolves i'd get him back in also for that price.
Keeper wise i'd look at Speroni, Butland or Johnstone (Man U) on seaon loan.
Would like to...
Di Canio's is very good after the first two chapters of his childhood (it's quite stretched) if u dont mind ur sport Jason Leonard's is very good as is Joe Calzaghe's prob one of my fave and Bret Hart's is a close interesting insight!
Moving to north west corner next season, reasons behind the move necessary, does anyone know if i can still have access to the lower west before the game.
Thanks in advance
Fantastic performance from Upson, i was concerned before the game what with Simpson and Hull's pace but Upson and AEA held the line so well and put there body's on the line (quite literally) and looked very solid together. Very pleased with the pair of them.
Agree too that Upson, with ball at...
Iv'e managed to get the download and place it in the FM editor in program files but do i have to open the editor and download it, coz its not showing when i start a new game. Thanks again Sully appreciate ur not an FM moderator, or recieving royalties :)
Thank you v much will give it all a go!!! Will download editor before, have done so in the past just taken a while to get into this new FM as so much to do!! Thanks for the advice!!
Thanks SULLY COULDNT SHOOT, didnt know anyone would spend time doing this, could u please tell me how to access this once i download it as its not showing up on my FM game do i have to put it in a particular folder, cheers in advance
Anyone know if it's a case of we need an attacking coach among the staff we currently operate with.
I know they didnt score yesterday, but Jimmy Floyd was among the Notts Forest staff, do we need someone who knows where the net is to coax our strikers to believe in themselves and finish all...
Gus is to blame in my view so the thread topic is relevant, why oh flaming why does he persist in putting 3 holding midfielders on the pitch at one time.
Yes Ash was poor but it needed Dobbie or Dicker on to keep hold of the ball and take the pressure off by controlling the game.
I am gutted...
My team,
Tried joining this league as well!
Good luck to all in the proper comp hfully an albion fan will win Gold!!!
GK W Hennessey
DEF Evatt
0S St. Ledger
0G Elokobi
0B Saltor
0K Andrews
0W Buckley
0 Vicente (C)
0T Ince
0M Emnes
0J Rhodes
The one player iv'e said to my mates about all pre-season, Ricardo Fuller, think he could make us the difference between staying in the championship and going up. He could be our Jason Roberts, and no matter what ppl thought of Roberts against us on here, he muscled Reading to promotion...
Thank you for all the replies people, has made me feel a bit better, and less wanting to run up the stairs to there flat and having a real ding dong with them!
My friends all read the letters and laugh, but has just got to a point where i think this is nuts, i've got rights surely!?
Me and my...
Please help!!
Me and my mate our both late 20’s and decided Feb this year to both chip in and rent a flat in a block of 6.
Our flat had never been lived in as the landlord used this as a town flat and mentioned to us on viewing he had spent a total of only about a dozen nights in the flat in 2...
Amazing... It brings shivers watchin some of that superb play, the assists and then one of the most memorable runs to finish off the clip at home to Derby County, ole ole ole ole Vicente Vicente!!
Thanks for the vid Richy_Seagull!!