Does anyone else get this full page asda advert when they go onto NSC via safari on iPhone? Have to refresh the page a couple of times for it to disappear
Looking for a budget ski trip anywhere in Europe departing sometime in March, anyone got any good tips on getting deals? Or heard of any deals?
Many thanks
Anyone else feeling slightly optimistic about next season following the two signings this week?
Hopefully the image attached- which shows I feel we need a CB, Lb and a winger to genuinely push for play. Probably deluded.
My team for next season, minus the players I would replace would be-
New CB
New Lb- bennett not good enough for me
Ince-will only get better
March/LuaLua- wouldn't start kaz
Teixiera- Hopefully(unlikely) get him back on loan
New winger
New striker
Just went to buy my groups and my tickets for the Arsenal game, wanted to sit in a different seat for the game, but one of my mates can't be selected saying "You have selected an invalid number of tickets either for this ticket owner (xxxx, xxxxx), at this price type, or for this event. " All...