Congrats all round- I do hope you are taking every opportunity to ensure your old man is reminded that he is a GREYBEARD GANDALF GRANDAD OLD GEEZER now!
How about BOGOF 2 matches for the price of one? Even at these prices I have no inention of paying to watch Cheltenham twice in a week! I shall wait until I see a dry forecast then go to one of them!
Don't forget the 5 Luton supporters in the family stand, including my 10 year old nephew who could not resist giving it large when Luton scored, until dragged back by Uncle Mick. For some reason everyone in row q then cheered even louder when Goodall was carded 2 seconds after he had finally sat...
You weren't the guy sitting behind a rather vociferous Luton Fan(My 10 year old nephew) towards the back of the family stand, who went to buy chips at a time when it looked like neither team would score in about another 10 hours of football?
You have to register to view the message board at You can't view the active board till you do. If they are as depressed as my brother was after today's match it could be a few days before they activate your registration.
Two similarly toothless attacks until Forster came on to...
No you were right- the patch/ Elm grove is the route of the old line. It then crossed the Lewes Road on a viaduct by what is now Sainsbury's. You can see the old tunnel exit at the back of the Freshfield Industrial Estate. Look also for the little train outside Gala Bingo!
Barnet will never bring 300+ fans. they only managed about 50 for a league game on a Saturday.
I was all set to go but as it is set to piss down all afternoon, I may wait to see if the forecast is better for 7 in the evening!
Should have held Leeds tickets back until this match to ensure we...
His "Lost continent" is well worth digging out, as his tour of European stereotypes, "Neither here nor there"
Personally, I haven't found a funnier travel writer than Redmond O Hanlon- especially good on obscure Amazon fish which can swim up your piss stream and embed themselves inside the head...
Did anyone catch Donkey Debina's extreme reaction to a red card at Juve/ Cagliari on Sunday! He even tried to lay out one of the touchline TV cameramen! Still, good to see a bit of passion!!