This is what I find strange, Budapest (Hungary in general) is great very friendly much easier going than Prague or any of the old Soviet block countries so I find the football crowds go against the grain of normal Magyr behaviour, that said not visited since the new right wing government.
As a...
Disappointed, our biggest weakness in the strikers department has not been addressed. I understand the model we have in place but I also find the amount of outgoing loans is a little concerning if we get hit with injuries (Covid is still having an impact on playing staff) we could be up the...
I usually don't get involved in the Brexit bullsh1t, but that is crap this has been going on for years nothing new just maximising profile at the consumers expense.
1983 - Although not the greatest album. I was listening to it constantly as I was doing my A Levels, maybe that's why I did crap in my exams.
And yes Ten was and is a great album.
Both please wouldn't that surprise a few.
It makes a change for me to spend someone else's money rather than my family spending all mine [emoji389].
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Classic Brighton lovely possession play for 30 minutes but with the penetration of an 80 year old eunuch. The majority of the crowd could see an Everton goal coming and no surprise it did. After that were lost and on the few chances we had we were slower than a 3 legged tortoise with arthritis...
Whilst I share some frustration at the lack of finishing from Connolly to suggest we bin him is absolute ballox.
At this present moment who would you replace him with, your suggestions are even more raw and untested (although I rate Swiss Andy)?
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What a crap showing not 1 player looking at the races, players out of position and the attacking instincts of a Swiss left wing tree hugger.
IF this is the team going forward then we are in for a long season fighting relegation.
Paul Barber has repeated several times on the discussions around safe standing that it would be the same capacity just swapping your current seat for a rail seat there would be no additional.
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