I can understand some discussion but that was not a penalty, Lamptey makes initial contact with the ball in a genuine tackle his leg follows through but you can clearly see him pulling his leg back to try and avoid contact, Jesus then scores a 9.7 dive and the ref is conned.
The ref has...
As someone who served in the RAF in the 1980s this was completely normal practise, the Russians would regular fly along NATO borders probing.
Of course, we did not do the same ;)
Fitted in with the England defence perfectly, which is not the greatest compliment, thought the whole backline looked dodgy and let's not forget Pickfords howler.
I still think there is a chance for Dunk any decent competition for places seems injured and with Southgate it's difficult to be...
Not just Brighton though, its English football in general been sanitised and gentrified for the past 30 years since the Premier League made it all about money.
However it does not help that we have a home stand not fit for purpose.
I think experience was a big factor in yesterday's demise looking at the how the teams compared I was a little surprise in the average age across the 2 teams, for Roma it almost 29 and for Brighton it was 25, I was expecting a bigger gap.
Where it is really telling is in the international...
This season has ended for us, no cups and "safe in the League" but it also needs to be put in to perspective many positives (I know it doesn't feel that way now) but we will be better for it in future.
I think we will have a relative vulture free summer keeping the vast majority of the...