Are there any genuinely scary films anymore? Maybe I just got desensitised as I grew up watching Hammer Horrors with my parents where just the music would scare me, but they do nothing for me now.
I'll try to look up Eden Lake.
Yep I have deactivated FB and Instagram and barely watch Sky News now.
I scroll through The Guardian everyday as it's the only free online newspaper.
We have the elections here in Brazil next year and the 2022 ones were horrendous, especially from the Bolsonaro supporters who are pretty much...
It's a full time topic of conversation over there ha ha.
Ever time my dad visited home the first conversation was about who died over the previous year.
You shouldn't worry, you are who you are.
I knew you briefly through the REMF and the amazing work you did for that but I also feel you have a lot of pain and trauma.
I hope you find some peace in your life and I hope I do too.
Mum was cremated 10 years ago on the 8th of this month and Dad followed less than 3 years later.
Took me until maybe two years ago to come to terms with it but can still get randomly upset by a song or a memory.