You need to check with all your ‘mates’ in the industry, as they’re not keeping you ‘informed’. FIA clearly stated there was no intent in the design or operation of the DRS on Lewis’ Merc. Do keep up.
Sometimes your prejudice is laughable :yawn:
I would think more than 50% is class related. The known 'rent a sab' groups that pitch up in paramilitary gear certainly don't give a flying **** about Reynard.
I wonder why the NT, Pwackham and his ilk never raise the issue of illegal hare coursing. Equally abhorrent as Fox hunting if you...
I don't necessarily have an issue with vegetarians or vegans, until they start preaching and trying to convert people, like those dickheads who raid restaurants and intimidate diners. Furthermore, I feel the climate argument (which i don't disagree with, despite working in the oil industry!) is...
1. Get out of your mums basement
2. stop exercising your wrists
3. cut out the pizzas
4. stop the man crush on Potter (see point 2 above).
Daylight and just going for a walk does one a world of good.
Just looked at the syllabus for the Swedish course at Scumbags College. Apparently they have a two week course on Swedish History covering:
Bjorn Borg
the rise of Ikea Meatballs
Rebecca Ferguson
I could put a lot of research into the last on that list mind