A vote by fans on anything that falls into the terms of reference of ownership. The Bundesliga does a similar model pretty well while remaining profitable, attractive to many of the best players in the world, keeping ticket prices at a level most of the population can afford without bankrupting...
Good to see the proposal sent out in confidence this morning to all fan owners for review, with this text in bold, was adhered to! I did wonder how long they really expected it to be kept under wraps.
"As a reminder, our duty as Owners is to protect the Club, and we’d like to reiterate that...
The Battle of Britain hasn't been overplayed at all. Britain and the Empire were solo against the Nazi's at that point and reeling from Dunkirk and Norway - Russia didn't switch to the allied side until 1941. The Battle of Britain was a rejection of the Nazi attempt to force the British...
His gesture with the goal celebration in the World Cup also showed incredible consideration for how to make disadvantaged kids feel special and a lack of self-centredness despite how some of his other actions come across. To remember, in that moment, is I think better than most people including...
I Googled it using parameters I felt would resonate with northstandchat: the D*ily M*il with typical scientific rigour seems to suggest if you're 47 - 65 and ache a lot. I'm sure if I actually clicked the link it'd also mention house prices and love for Boris Johnson. Meanwhile the Guardian...
I'd like a draw. If we can maintain the Albion curse with Palace's goal being through Ben White booting a clearance against Trossard that then loops back into their own net, then that'd be good too.
I like a bit of echoey repetitive slow burnery-ness and slightly discordant vocal harmonies (despite the title of it making me want to shout "give him a ball and a yard of grass"), and this was shot in Brighton too
The homogenisation of football songs is increasingly weird. Against Luton it felt like every single one of "their" songs was one of "ours". I wonder if players can actually identify when a song is for them when that's the case?
"The belief system is different" is a dangerous way to rationalise what they do and let's them off the hook. How much of that is because of geography? If they were a western nation doing what they do...let's say France...publicly beheading people for minor crimes, torturing people for their...
Cost of the box seems to be around £200 per guest.
All that money. All that work coordinating your mates. All the excitement. You've been telling everyone you know. You put it on Facebook. You spend all Friday making John in accounts jealous about how good it'll be. You drop it causally into...
Yep, behind me a bit to the left. He was very grumpy with lots of pointing and seeming to be suggesting an outside rendezvous to someone I couldn't see from where I was. The "he's going to cry in a minute" probably didn't help calm him down!
His lady friend moved to near the steps in j8 and...
On Seagulls Travel currently crawling along past a sign to Wednesday, which from the weight of traffic feels like a foretelling of when we might arrive
They were called Four Day Hombre - my slightly hazy (possibly retrofitting) recollection is that they were on the same circuit as the up and coming Coldplay at the time. Some of the band run a studio near Leeds and I think still perform occasionally under the name Hope and Social:
Might have posted this before, not sure - a band from the early 00s that never broke through, but one of the tightest units of skilled musicians I've ever heard play live. The bit from 4m30s is particularly epic live in a small venue.