My brother-in-law is in West Bridgford and has been a Forest STH for decades. Aiming to meet him there pre-match depending what time I can get to Nottingham,
I was in Dublin earlier this year for work, I think I might have related this before. The highlight was meeting Mr Tayto - both the bloke who runs the company, and the person dressed up as Mr Tayto, but I also encountered a taxi driver who was up there in the most unpleasant, opinionated...
It must annoy quite a lot of Geordies I'd imagine to have their song appropriated by others and the words changed. If half a dozen teams sang Sussex By The Sea with their own lyrics I'd imagine the meltdown would be immense. I'm struggling to type this without spectacularly vomiting all over my...
Lovely: Davina McCall. Was at a Thing she was at a few weeks ago, one of those people who seems authentically and naturally decent. I reckon she'd be a great person to have as a friend.
It'll be a budget created to appeal to sections of the electorate, and not a budget to sort out the country. When was the last time any government decision here was made for any reason except short-termism to try and get re-elected?
Like every budget I'll use one of those calculator things the...
When he arrived an article was shared where he - or an associate of him - said something about having a two year life at any club because he's so intense in his methods either he breaks people or annoys people or both. I'm paraphrasing a bit but that was the gist of it. I wouldn't be surprised...
Put plastic cup dispensers by the water machines in WSU - at the moment you have to try and get them from a kiosk or from the DIY beer machines both of which aren't totally inconvenient but do inconvenience other fans a bit as you try and fight through to get to them. It'd be great if there was...
So conspiracy theories aside, the Gates Foundation gives so much aid that in 2022 almost no countries gave more. That aid over the past 30 years has objectively had a huge impact reducing malaria, AIDS/HIV, infant mortality and polio, while increasing access to education: better results than...
Why has he been going to Pakistan and Bangladesh to test it? I'm sure a man of his wealth could hire that Gillian McKeith who used to get people to poo in a box so she could sniff-test it on TV. She'd probably fly to him for the right amount of money so he wouldn't have to travel at all. What...
In Lewes. Harvey's never traditionally had an apostrophe and it has been a relatively recent addition to their labels and aingage. Probably correct but a sign of the impending end of civilisation I think.
Unashamedly enjoy a bit of Barry White from time to time. Incredibly talented as a song writer and fantastic orchestration (also I believe written by him)
Wasn't at Ajax so can't comment on that but was in a fanzone in Paris for one of the England Euro 2016 games where premedidated "celebratory" beer luzzing was common, primarily by people "celebrating" in the most performative-hope-this-gets-on-social-media way. In my very humble opinion, a 5...
I'd love there to be some impactful action but unless there's a meaningful points deduction I can't see this ever changing unfortunately. A fine becomes an acceptable cost of business when the rewards give greater riches than any penalty will ever detract from.
I think there's evidence that gum disease is linked to Alzheimers so that's another reason to take flossing seriously.
I use a cheap generic Chinese brand water flosser that does a good job. Also use an electric toothbrush. A year or so ago I got an ultrasonic plaque remover thing that is...