The ref lost controll of the game, if he had taken action against the Fulham players time waisting at the start, then we might have had an enjoyable game.
Private Eye reports that Cllr Fred Roberts of Wrexham council has won a taxi licence despite being convicted of causing death by dangerous driving in the 90s and being jailed for 3 years for importing cigarettes. Normally he wouldn't win one but he's on the licensing committee!
But Chelsea are not cheating, all they are doing is going around it by giving longer contracts. I heve heard people say Bholey is cleaver doing it this way, however, other chairman are wise enough to see the future risk this can give so dont use it.
I did not blame you did i. All i said was all road users can be idiots including lorry drivers my own profession. I get pissed off straddling 2 lanes with my left turn idicater flashing and an audio left turn warning but still cars, cyclist and cars try to cut me up on the inside. I have even...
The thing i can not get my head around is the record deal for the club.
Did the agent just hear £70m and say thats enough they wont turn that down? I just dont get wby you put that when a deal has not been agreed, goes to show what an Amateur the agent is.
As a professional Hgv driver I'm embarrassed to say I've been on 3 of these courses. I was called once in the lorry Doing 53 in a 50 And the other 2 times in my car on average speed check. I will admit yes they are worthwhile Because you do learn stuff on them.
It depends on what type of...
I see so many drivers slow down just as they reach the average speed camerathen speed up once passed it. That shows the type of idiot who can get a licence.