Yeah. me!
I cut a section out of the down pipe, use an elbow to direct into the barrel. When full/ not needed I use an orange squash bottle upside down with bottom cut off like a funnel so it goes back down the pipe. I'm in the process of designing and 3D printing a more permanent thing but...
I've diverted into an above ground water butt. I've been doing this in times of water shortages since the late eighties. Because a few body wash stuffs contain some phosphates, I don't water tomatoes and other edibles and my pots do not suffer any long term damage seeing as it's only normally a...
Nine weeks ago, I packed up working...cos I didn't want to do it any more. That's after doing various stuff for over forty five years.
I've never worked so hard these last nine weeks!
What's that got to do with a gardening thread you ask? Nothing really, I just wanted to tell people I'm sleeping...
I've run my water butts dry now, what with the lack of wet stuff falling from the sky.
Luckily, with the wife and eldest daughter showering like the stuff is free, I have enough grey water to sustain my garden through to the next ice age!
Used to fish West beach at newhaven for bass, using joey flappers. Never got any over 7lb but had a few pouting hitting the 2lb mark and lost a big pollack in the breakers.
I quite miss the sea angling
Leycesteria formosa gives something different.
I feel offended for palms everywhere that you think they are the same as cordylines???
Maybe you do need a chamaerops....and a trip hazard nearby so you will appreciate the subtle difference:glare: