This is a completely different kettle of fish. Google and Amazon have better voice assistants and PLENTY of content to offer.
This is an extension of a totally dominant ecosystem in mac, iPhone and IPadOS.
The question is whether all of these companies including Apple can get us to stick stuff...
Think of the iPad but an even bigger "why do I need this?" gap to bridge.
This is Apple playing the long game.
IMO this will be in glasses in 5-10 generations, contacts in 20 and completely normal after that.
No joke I've just pulled out of Clacket Lane Service station and a car with regno B4 BEROUT has just dropped this piece of jpeg out of the window.
Make of that what you will....
Nike upping their game for Hertha....
Say what you want about the design but I'm just pleased they're doing slightly more creative stuff for their "non-elite" teams.
Hello, Change at Barnham. I understand that you're concerned about the potential dangers associated with AI. It's natural to have questions and worries about new technologies, especially when their implications are not fully understood. While it's important to approach the topic with a cautious...
Got a slightly more expensive ultra slim one from Hills for my 55 inch. It was a bit of a pain in the arse and had to buy a new right-angled power cable, but it's makes the tv look so much better than the cheaper mounts.
Yesterday I sat fiddling with Photoshop trying to recreate that Dunky graphic the club posted about him being called up to England. Just a little hobby project. I got it really close. Well anyway I finished it then realised I could swap in in any player/text I wanted to very quickly.
Anyone of...