Jus an update. Processed about 60 orders so far, there's still a load more so bear with us. The copies have started being shipped out to you should have the first ones in the next few days. Great response, it was definitely worth doing. Thanks, S
We have had a huge response so it might be a bit of a wait to get them all processed. Hopefully the first ones should start arriving early next week.
You can enter a different postal address to the billing address via the paypal account.
I know there's a sticky but just in case people miss it the reprint of Build a Bonfire is available from the website. See the sticky at top of the site for details.
Finally the book is available to order! Build A Bonfire by Steve North and Paul Hodson. If you've registered already you need to go back to the site and follow through to the paypal account to buy your copy. Please bear with us initially if it takes a few days to receive it as it is print on...
Sorry for the delay, there was a slight problem with the proof copy that needed to be corrected. Once that's sorted we can take the orders, should be mid June.
Vahalla Dancehall - British Sea Power, their best album since their first. PJ Harvey's 'Let England Shake' is eerie, stripped down and cant stop playing it. What I've seen and heard of the new Fleet Foxes, I know I'm going to love it. Still rate their gig at the Roundhouse as in my top 10 best ever.
The website is up and running here Build A Bonfire - Updated 2011 Version.
You can register to be notified about the publication details and how to order, should be available from mid May. Myself and Paul are self publishing due to the amount of threads on here asking for it to be re-printed...