A mess you and your ilk have contributed to and authored... by doing nothing except hording wealth and sitting like Smaug on top of your (hard earned) pile of riches.
I don't purport to be anything other than a hard-working normal man, but BOY do you come across like a boorish know all...
I wasn't arguing, just illustrating the reality for millions of families... most of whom will have seen only a slight increase in equity.
Now you're just inventing stats to try and win a lost argument. The number showing less than 10% increase in the value of their property will be small...
This won't change no matter how hard I work, no matter how much I deserve it...
Stange how this generation seems more entitled than previous generations. Try for instance an interest rate of 17% in the late seventies. 3% is f--- all
but putting up a thread claiming this interest rate rise is 'good news' is questionable at best... it's simply not good news for the vast majority of people currently keeping the country working
Try comparing 1.8 million people with mortgages against 30 million savers. Surely your maths can...
One - that example I chose to give us the tip of the iceberg and you know it.
OK so you lost that argument so let's try another
Two - having a house worth more than it was doesn’t help normal people increase monthly cash flow to meet an increased mortgage rate..
These people are Capital rich...
Hang on a minute. Those people coming off fixed rate mortgages will probably have owned their property for several years. With many of these people, they have spent those years boasting about how much their property has increased in price - from several thousands, through tens of thousands to...
I am sick of watching the news broadcasts selecting every bit of negative news. This does nothing for mental wellbeing, so let's rejoice in a bit of good news for a change
I'm thinking if the decision has been made, with everyone involved including press, agents, bookies, families friends etc there is no way it will remain a secret till then.