Asking for driver ID not to be mentioned, although it's been widely covered in the media already, and named (praised) by them, in an Argus article?!
Tried Brasserie Fish, instead? on the raised walkway, overlooking outer harbour.
Very nice fish and chips, with a la carte and set menu deals. Friendly enough staff, no hovering.
Ask for a table outside, or upstairs though- we got stuck at the back, a bit dumly lit..
I was called up a few years ago, shortly after starting a new job (coincidence?..). Got a postponement for a few months.
As lived quite close to the court, only got £19 total expenses, to cover lunches. Spent two weeks doing puzzles, reading books etc, waiting for selection- almost got into...
Andy Murray, if he does well again with the Wombles thing..
England (football) Ladies for the team award.
long shot- Arsene Wenger for manager (if her ever smiles, on camera..)