I would guess it is to discourage young people buying them for the first time. going out and spending £15 (or whatever it is now) on a pack is quite a lot for a teen to look cool. Especially when the pack looks disgusting.
I'm and ex-smoker of 3.5 years and am grateful everyday for quitting...
I know the lad is young, but he's simply not good enough at this level and he will never be a regular starter for Man U. Can't hold the ball up, can't find others, dissapears for most the game, no strength and can't head the ball.
Should have bought a striker in January. Jus saying.....
The image of the QRcode already works on your smartphone, negating the need to print them out / carry them. Just screenshot a semi-close up of the QRcode and then put that under that scanner - Roberts your fathers brother.
I did it for 10 of us on Saturday.