So, what's it's like?
Does it do what it says on the tin?
I'm in my early 50s' and am just enquiring on behalf of a 'friend'
So come on chaps, are the blue things the dog's danglys?
Brothers in arms...
I met the girl, went home to hers, in Rock Gardens.
We could hear the tide roaring in.
Then she put on Brothers in arms.
Nothing else mattered. Bliss.
We were on that train and.the tannoy announced on more than one occasion we were being held up because an assault had taken place.
Whether a weapon was used though I have no idea.
So Hb&b starts a thread about a guy that flew an old aeroplane doing dangerous manoeuvres over a massively busy A road.
And yet people on here have a pop at him, even calling him a prick.
Who's the prick here?
Andy Hill is the prick and a bloody massive one. Tosser.
I intend to get mine tomorrow at the ground.
I'll probably arrive about 45 mins before ko, so please could anyone tell me which ticket place to buy at.
Would it be the main one in the store, or the newer ones outside?
Thanks in advance.
The Albion said that if the stadium was built, that would be it.
When pressed by Falmer residents about further buildings, such as a hotel, The Albion said it wouldn't happen.
Check your history.
We lied .
Am I the only one that feels uneasy about this because of the Falmer residents?
When we were all doing our bit as supporters to promote getting the stadium, I distinctly remember the residents saying ' Today a stadium, the next thing will be a hotel' ( I paraphrase).
I told that to people and...
If had a spare £10,000,I wouldn't bet it on The Albion at all.
I'd actually GIVE it to you to set up your own website , and leave everyone alone on here from your 'inane, look at me shite' every two hours.