Over the years I’ve owned grade 1, 2*, & 2 listed properties. Grade 1 is a pita, 2* and 2 are normally fine, providing you don’t have a tosser of a LBC officer. If you take the piss, they’ll all make your life hell; if you don’t, the vast majority are fine. You’ve got to love the place enough to...
I'm taking delivery of a new car in Dec and want to protect/treat the paint job before ruining it by, err, driving it around.
I'm totally ignorant about this topic, so would welcome some views/advice please.
No; I suspect that a PL Chairman who’s pumped £300m+ of his own money into his club, and his Technical Director who spent 6 years as Director of Elite Development at the FA have never given it a moment’s thought.
Perhaps you could hypothesise about why no action was taken (if indeed it wasn’t, I haven’t checked) by the three (so far) mods who have said on this thread that they hold right of centre views?
As another mod said earlier, it’s simply a myth that the mod group is more left wing than the...