hopefully icac will when they're finished with Gladys , the sydney harbour ferry debacle , the trains , billions wasted , the eastern creek airport land acquisition ...33 million paid for a piece of land worth 3 million and now cant be used for building because its contaminated , Angus...
the levels of corruption are outrageous, the LNP have syphoned billions off to private accounts and no doubt Labour are doing it too albeit not as blatantly , How's that 440 million being spent on the barrier reef project ..??
Zimbabwe was the bread basket of Africa ......sunk by commuism now Ukraine seemingly the bread basket of Europe ( or that is one of the excuses being touted for price rises and general unavailability of basic foods) also , seeming sunk by communism.....seemingly.
about 40 years ago lots of people went to work , saved their money , had the odd holiday here and there but basically had their mortgage paid off by their late 40's well we couldn't have that could we , i'm with you mate , the banks are ****s which is why i want , so much , for bitcoin to...
about as funny as **** cancer ...true to form , i'd block you if you didn't make me feel superior ...you twatt.