OK! Next time you do an online order can you try asking for a better date? Some of the pickers do ask me for fresher stuff sometimes as some customers do specify a minimum date on their order. Just a thought.
Just to confirm that the dates the supermarkets get are much better than you are getting delivered, here is the Warburtons delivered to Tesco Bishop Auckland this morning. (y)
The best before dates for Warburtons (and Hovis) have actually increased since Covid - used to be 4 days, now it is 5 (Hovis is 6). I'm afraid that this is one of the perils of online deliveries - there will be loads of bread with long dates in the shop warehouse but the pickers will ignore them...
The only expectation I have on the rich is that they pay the tax that they are supposed to, irrespective of the amount. There was a report this morning that the richest 60 people in this country paid something like £3bn in income tax last year. If that is the correct amount that they should have...
Christmas 1984, my first office Xmas lunchtime booze up (the office had closed thankfully) took place at the Queen's Head, Queen's Road.
It took me 20 minutes to walk to the station afterwards :oops:
Started my first proper job in Black Lion Street on the Monday, this happened on the Friday. All I really remember was I wandered along the seafront at lunchtime, couldn't get very close obviously, but could see the huge hole in the hotel.
I thought the documentary was a bit poor really. Didn't...