you could do a month in Bali or Thailand for that , eat and drink well and have all sorts of shenanigans thrown tub fun with me seems to be a massive negative tbh.
it would appear they don't have time for that mate but i will persist from derailing another thread ....if you have private health insurance then use it , it should expedite things and will give you more choice , all the best bro , you can pm me if you want ...x
i hit the top shelf when i got diagnosed , thought it was strange they wanted a second MRI as they are usually pretty conclusive and extremely detailed , the letter is downright average on their behalf though , drink whatever you want if it takes the weight off your shoulders , if they remove...
sincerely hope no one gets done , if you thought Ajax were lively wait till these fuckers turn up fux given boys.....seen it with my own eyes.... look lively and stand up for yourselves.
there's 5 id go to see there but u suppose the afternoons will be boosted by prosecco , blow waves and sarf landarnarsers , serving up icing sugar in the wind ........cut my head off.
vets have become corporatised , mate of mine had a great dane with hip displaysia and dodgy tendons in his back legs , he had pet insurance 23k later they put the thing down , one of our cats got hit by a tiger snake , they tried to talk us into giving him a blood transfusion at 3.5 k...