Yes, America hasn't had homophobia and racism before yesterday
Quite, Ill take things that didn't happen for 100 please.
Going to be enough to go at the Trumpster for over the next 4 years I imagine, no need to make stuff up
Shadow banning is nothing new sadly, it happened pre musk.
I don't know why people trust Social media to the level they do, seems foolish
You can only really see what those in charge of FB/Twitter/google etc want you to see
If you haven't seen it, dig out the Avengers Harris Video, how would that appeal to anyone who wasn't voting for Harris already?
Its so cringy and fake and has a we know better than you vibe.
Beat me to it, Just back from that part of the World, San Fran has always had a bit of an issue with homelessness and druggies, but it is out of control now.
Saw some youths walk into a CVS pick a load of stuff up and walk out, no one battered an eyelid
Ive no idea for the reasons, but you can...
I'd say that's spot on
Oddly the public don't like being called Nazis, trash and racist by smug TV folk, I'd love to know how many swing voters this attack line lost.